Antes de mais, obrigada pelos vossos comentários! Vocês são fantásticas!
Before all, my thanks to all of you for the nice comments! You guys are great!
Como no meu último post estava já mais que passada a minha hora de dormir, não mostrei alguns dos detalhes que merecem ser vistos nesta blusa. Em relação às fotos, algumas ficaram ligeiramente tremidas porque a minha bateria estava baixa e a partir de determinada altura só consegui tirar fotos sem flash.
When I was writing my last post, I was way past my bed time and so I skipped some important details on this blouse. Again, forgive me for the blurriness on some pictures; this time my battery was low and I couldn't use the flash on the last few photos.
A beira da vista da frente foi acabada com a corta-e-cose, virada para dentro e pespontada com a linha pérola; depois de aplicar a vista, a beira foi cosida à costura da frente (a que tem as flores do lado direito) com uns pontos à mão soltos:
Before all, my thanks to all of you for the nice comments! You guys are great!
Como no meu último post estava já mais que passada a minha hora de dormir, não mostrei alguns dos detalhes que merecem ser vistos nesta blusa. Em relação às fotos, algumas ficaram ligeiramente tremidas porque a minha bateria estava baixa e a partir de determinada altura só consegui tirar fotos sem flash.
When I was writing my last post, I was way past my bed time and so I skipped some important details on this blouse. Again, forgive me for the blurriness on some pictures; this time my battery was low and I couldn't use the flash on the last few photos.
A beira da vista da frente foi acabada com a corta-e-cose, virada para dentro e pespontada com a linha pérola; depois de aplicar a vista, a beira foi cosida à costura da frente (a que tem as flores do lado direito) com uns pontos à mão soltos:
The facing edge was serged, turned inside and topstitched; after sewing the facing in place and finishing the inside of the buttonholes, the edge was stitched by hand to the front vertical seam (the one with the flowers), using hemming loose stitches:

This is the finishing of the facing on the shoulder area (it is stitched to the shoulder SA only):

Another detail is the finishing of the collar on the back neckline; see the wrong side in the picture: the SAs were trimmed and clipped, then pressed to the inside of the collar; the final seam was handstitched. I used a different approach for the red organza blouse (I used a folded bias organza tape to finish the raw edge, instead).
Para aplicar a gola usei o mesmo método que descrevi no casaco Orwell aqui e aqui; como as golas da camisa são semelhantes às de um fato, pude usar o mesmo método sem problemas.
For the collar and lapels I followed the same method as for the Orwell Coat (click here and here). Although this is a blouse, the collar is the same kind (in fact I was unsure if I was to call this a blouse or a jacket…).
Podem ver alguns detalhes da gola e das lapelas:
Here are some details for the collar and lapels:

Podem ver alguns detalhes da gola e das lapelas:
Here are some details for the collar and lapels:

And here is the back vent on the sleeve; the wrong side and right side:

A cava foi rematada com fita de viés dobrada. Esta fita é de organza 100% seda e o único sítio onde a encontro é numa retrosaria cá em Aveiro, onde só têm disponíveis as cores branco e marfim. Sei que o fornecedor é Espanhol e se alguém souber onde posso encomendar/comprar mais cores desta fita (não é fita de organza normal; é cortada em viés e tem ambas as beiras vincadas para dentro), por favor entre em contacto comigo. Tentei pedir mais cores na retrosaria mas não me deram qualquer garantia que as arranjassem.
I used pre-folded organza bias tape for finishing the armhole raw edges; this is 100% silk organza folded bias tape and the only place I could find it on sale was in my favorite local notions store. They have it only in white and ivory so if someone knows where I can order/buy other colors for this kind of tape, please let me know. I tried to order more colors from my local notions store and I didn't get any feedback from them. I know for a fact that they get it from a Spanish supplier though.
Ainda relativamente à posição das casas no molde original, cheguei a uma conclusão diferente do que tinha referido aqui. As casas estão bem marcadas, o que está incorrectamente identificado é o meio da frente. Cheguei a esta conclusão quando vesti a blusa antes de colocar as vistas e trabalhar as casas; depois confirmei com a fita métrica que o meio da frente não é a linha vertical marcada no molde; a linha do meio simplesmente não está assinalada e fica algures entre a linha vertical e a beira e é ao longo desta linha "imaginária" que se devem coser os botões .
Still on the subject of buttonhole placement, I found out that my first assumption (that the buttonholes were incorrectly marked) was wrong; I came into this conclusion because when I tried the blouse on (before sewing the buttonholes) if the CF was the vertical line on the pattern, the blouse would be too tight on the chest; so I moved the buttonholes to their original position and concluded that the CF line WAS NOT the vertical line on the pattern (identified there clearly as the center front); the SF line is somewhere between this line and the edge; I confirmed this with my tape measure, of course, and the buttons were placed on this line and not on the marked vertical line on the pattern.
Tenho que vos mostrar estes brincos que uso com a blusa; são de madrepérola:
I have to show you these mother of pearl earrings:

I used pre-folded organza bias tape for finishing the armhole raw edges; this is 100% silk organza folded bias tape and the only place I could find it on sale was in my favorite local notions store. They have it only in white and ivory so if someone knows where I can order/buy other colors for this kind of tape, please let me know. I tried to order more colors from my local notions store and I didn't get any feedback from them. I know for a fact that they get it from a Spanish supplier though.

Still on the subject of buttonhole placement, I found out that my first assumption (that the buttonholes were incorrectly marked) was wrong; I came into this conclusion because when I tried the blouse on (before sewing the buttonholes) if the CF was the vertical line on the pattern, the blouse would be too tight on the chest; so I moved the buttonholes to their original position and concluded that the CF line WAS NOT the vertical line on the pattern (identified there clearly as the center front); the SF line is somewhere between this line and the edge; I confirmed this with my tape measure, of course, and the buttons were placed on this line and not on the marked vertical line on the pattern.
Tenho que vos mostrar estes brincos que uso com a blusa; são de madrepérola:
I have to show you these mother of pearl earrings: