É isso mesmo, estou a preparar-me para umas curtas férias no Algarve e só devo regressar na próxima semana! Hoje pretendo acabar a gabardina mas não devo conseguir apresentar o post final antes de partir de férias, por isso vou mostrar-vos o meu progresso até agora.
That's right, I’m taking a small vacation break for a few days! I plan to be back in the beginning of the next week. Today I plan on finishing the trench coat but chances are I won't have the time to make a final post about it, so I will show you what I have done so far.
As mangas estão acabadas e colocadas; as costuras das cavas foram debruadas com tiras de forro em viés, da mesma forma que fiz para a saia e parcialmente pespontadas:
That's right, I’m taking a small vacation break for a few days! I plan to be back in the beginning of the next week. Today I plan on finishing the trench coat but chances are I won't have the time to make a final post about it, so I will show you what I have done so far.
As mangas estão acabadas e colocadas; as costuras das cavas foram debruadas com tiras de forro em viés, da mesma forma que fiz para a saia e parcialmente pespontadas:
The sleeves are finished and set in; the armscye seams are bind with lining bias tape (the same way I did for the seam attaching the skirt to the body) and then partially topstitched:

This is the finishing on the inside:

The shoulder inset corner is a hard one to get right on the inside so the best I could do was a few handstitches where the seams meet:

Here you can see how I did the partial facing for the collar/placket corner, this way I avoid showing the lining if I wear it with the first buttons unbuttoned; this little fabric triangle is sewn only to the lining and doesn't show on the right side:

The collar is sewn following the magazine's instructions, no secrets here; you can see that one piece is stitched to the neckline first (note the fabric triangle at the corner):

The finished collar, after topstitching:

The only trick I use to sew the placket is pressing and pressing and pressing; before sewing the extremities (collar and bottom hem), the body/placket SAs are pressed to the placket direction and the fold and the other SAs are pressed too; this makes it easier when turning the placket to the right side, pinning and basting; everything falls into its right place.

Just before topstitching the placket:

One last thing: Marji asked about what I call taped seams; detailed instructions on how I made this seam finishing can be found here.
Espero que me desculpem esta pequena ausência, e o facto de não poder acompanhar os vossos blogs enquanto estiver fora (não tenho Internet no lugar onde vou ficar); quando chegar prometo um post final sobre a gabardina, fotos de mim a usá-la e também dos acessórios (sim, tenho uns sapatos e uma carteira nova escolhidos especialmente para usar com a gabardina!).
I hope you all apologize me for this short absence and for not being able to keep up with your blogging activity while I'm away (I won't be able to connect to the Internet at the place where I'll be staying); when I come back I will make it up to you, I promise! Expect lots of pictures of the finished trench coat and as a bonus I will show you the matching shoes and bag I've just got!
Fiquem bem e até para a semana!
Be well until next week!