Decirte adiós
duele mucho pero tengo que hacerlo. Lo hago aquí, donde nos hemos conocido
muchos años atrás, cuando ambos compartíamos nuestra pasión por la costura y teníamos
mucha ilusión al hacerlo. Lo hago en Castellano (discúlpame los errores, ya
estarás acostumbrado por supuesto) porque siempre nos hemos comunicado así. Fuiste mi Mentor, mi Amigo y cómo un Hermano
para mí, te quiero muchísimo, para siempre. Fue un privilegio tenerte conmigo todos
estos años y disfrutar de tu amistad y generosidad. Ahora has partido y me
quedo con un vacio enorme, pleno de dolor al decirte adiós para siempre…
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So sorry for your loss Tany.
The fashion world has lost a talented man, he was far too young. May he rest in peace.
I am so grateful for your work of bringing to life the beauty of his designs and the precision of his techniques through all these many years. You have given us the inside information for construction of the highest value. Tany, my heart breaks for you and for Isobel. Blessings, and thank you.
Tany, I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a dear man, a gentle soul and a good friend to the sewing world. He is gone too soon. 💔
Consternada por esta pérdida, como maestro y por supuesto como persona. Descansa en Paz, Paco. Mi más sentido pésame Tany.
Tany I thought of you as soon as I heard the news. My heart goes out to you and all his family and friends. I think most of us in the sewing blogasphere were touched by Paco and his kindness and generosity. He will be missed.
Tany Beautiful words for a wonderful friend! He has touched the lives of so many around the sewing community.
My heart goes out to you and his family and friends. I will miss him dearly 💔🌹
Oh Tany......Dear Tany....I cannot imagine what you are going through. I am so sorry for your loss. His passing is unfathomable, so deep and beyond understanding. It is impossible to imagine a world without him...his talent, his kindness, his humor, his love, his generosity. We are better for having known him. The two of you were ideally and intensely sympatico...and his essence will sustain. Your talent with cloth and design will honor the loving friendship you shared. With each and every garment you create, the heart of Paco's spirit will be smiling...with joyous love.
Oh Tany... Lamento imenso! Os meus sentimentos. Apenas conhecia o Paco indirectamente, do que mostravas aqui no blogue, e dava para perceber que era grande na sua arte tal como na amizade. Não sei o que aconteceu mas se foi inesperado ainda dói mais. Infelizmente, a morte faz parte da vida... No entanto, se há maneira de contrariar o fim terreno, é na memória dos que ficam. Como a Pam Erny escreveu em cima, em cada peça dele que cries/uses ele e o seu legado continuarão vivos. Beijinho grande.
Palabras hermosas por un amigo hermoso. Dicho del corazón. Siento tu pérdida.
Dear Tany,
This news in the last few days of Paco’s death has been a real shock to those that followed his blog posts and his communication through Instagram and Facebook. I remember when I first joined IG posting photos of my sewing and Paco would give me the kindest comments. I was so grateful to him for his encouragement and I couldn’t believe that someone so talented would be so generous to someone sewing in their home on the other side of the world. Although I never met Paco, I just knew he was a beautiful man who had the kindest and most creative heart.
My heart goes out to you Tany as you knew Paco like a brother and you both had so much in common that you loved. He has left behind a wonderful legacy but that does not mean we are happy that he has gone. We all wanted more. Please know that my thoughts are with you and his family and everyone whose lives he touched.
Tany, when I read the news, I reeled with shock, as if someone had hit me in the chest. Tears flowed for a man whom I had never met in person. We were blog and Facebook friends, not friends like you and Paco were. I cannot imagine your grief and I know of no words that will console you. I am so sorry for you and Isobel and your broken hearts.
As lembranças serão sempre grandes do nosso querido amigo - um talento como poucos!
I am sorry for your loss and for Paco's friends and family too. I didn't know him but loved his precision and execution of his designs. I nearly passed out when he had left a comment on my humble blog. My sewing is fast and furious at the moment but he was so generous. It seems his generous spirt touched many. I'm so sad for you, his family and the sewing fraternity that had such great respect and love for him and his designs.
Meus sentimentos
Meus sentimentos
Hola Tany.
Hoy quise retomar la consulta de los excelentes conocimientos de Paco.
Me ha impactado saber que no está.
Quizás con el tiempo pudiéramos organizar un merecido homenaje.
Por el he podido conocer ahora también tus magníficos trabajos.
Muchas gracias por compartir.
Un abrazo
Roberto Ríos
Islas Canarias
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