So Chic Box So Parisiènne Léa (Le_608): Asymmetric blouse with neck ties, made of crinkled silk (tropical fish print)

EN Summary: I finished this blouse about two weeks ago (adapting to a "work@home routine" caused by the new Covid-19 outbreak has kept me away from sewing and blogging). Keep reading to find out all the details!
PT Sumário: Terminei esta blusa já há cerca de duas semanas (a adaptação a uma rotina de trabalho em casa, motivada pelo recente surto de Covid-19 tem-me mantido um pouco afastada da costura e do blogue). Continuem a ler para descobrirem todos os detalhes!

EN: Due to Covid-19 emergency response, all schools were closed last week (I would have to stay at home to take care of my son since then). At the same time my company sent all workers home to work remotely, one of the many Covid-19 safety measures they've implemented urged by the government's pledge to stay at home and avoid getting out as much as possible. Gyms were also closed until further notice so in just a few days our daily routine has changed quite a lot... Me and the husband have set up different working spaces (he is working from the living room while I have set up my @home office in my sewing room). Our 7 year old son has a desk where he can do homework and study upstairs in his bedroom so we manage to work without getting in the way of each other. We are implementing a school based schedule for our son, while both of us maintain the same schedule as if we were at the office. I can't go to the gym everyday during my lunch break anymore so I've also set up a working out space in the living room, which I use after my husband finishes his work@home daily journeys. As usual I am not sewing during the working week (I sew only on weekends) but I manage to workout most of the days and it also helps me keeping sane and healthy. This is my life for as long as the outbreak lasts now.
PT: Devido às medidas emergenciais de resposta à epidemia de Covid-19, todas as escolas fecharam na semana passada (eu teria de ficar em casa a tomar conta do meu filho desde aí). Ao mesmo tempo, a empresa onde eu e o marido trabalhamos mandou toda a gente para casa em teletrabalho, uma das muitas medidas de segurança implementadas a pedido do nosso governo (quem puder trabalhar de casa deve fazê-lo e evitar interações sociais desnecessárias). Os ginásios também fecharam até nova ordem, portanto em apenas alguns dias a nossa rotina diária alterou-se significativamente... Eu e o marido montámos arraiais em sitios diferentes da casa: enquanto ele tem o escritório na sala comum, eu arrumei um espaço na sala de costura para trabalhar. O nosso filho tem uma secretária de estudo no quarto dele e mantemos o seu horário escolar com trabalhos que o ATL lhe envia. Já não posso ir ao ginásio todos os dias à hora de almoço como costumava, por isso arranjei um espaço para "malhar" cá em casa, também na sala comum; só o posso utilizar ao final do dia de trabalho do marido, claro, mas tenho conseguido fazer exercicio quase todos os dias, o que me ajuda a manter-me de boa saúde e com uma mente sã. Como já era habitual, não pego nas costuras durante a semana, reservo os fins de semana para o meu hobby. E é esta a minha vida, enquanto durar esta situação.

EN: This sewing project precedes all the stay@home hustle, since I finished it two weeks ago and was still able to wear it to the office back then. This cute Léa blouse kit comes with a beautiful bottle green crinkled silk with little orange tropical fish printed on it, quite an eye-catching fabric in my opinion. I am glad I have stocked up these kits because they include everything needed to make the garment; there's no need to go out buying supplies (all the notion/fabric stores are currently closed until further notice anyway, except the online shops; yet some post office setbacks may occur due to the outbreak, so it's good to have everything at hand at home).

PT: Este projeto é anterior a toda a reviravolta de ter de ficar em casa, uma vez que o terminei há duas semanas e ainda consegui usar a blusa uma vez no escritório. O kit Léa que usei vem com um tecido verde-garrafa de seda amarrotada lindíssimo com pequenos peixes tropicais impressos, um tecido muito vistoso na minha opinião. Ainda bem que fui acumulando estes kits ao longo do tempo, pois eles includem todos os materiais e evitam ter de sair para comprar aviamentos (é que mesmo que quisesse arriscar, as lojas estão todas fechadas, só se consegue comprar online,... E mesmo online podem ocorrer problemas e atrasos com as entregas, devido à pandemia).
EN: I have made the same blouse with different kits/fabrics; you can check out the reviews of my previous versions of this blouse here and here, if you wish. Here's the side and back views of the finished fish print green blouse:
PT: Já tinha feito esta blusa usando kits/tecidos diferentes; podem consultar os respetivos artigos sobre a confeção aqui e aqui, se o desejarem. Abaixo podem ver a vista lateral e das costas da blusa verde com padrão aos peixinhos:
EN: The only difference between this and my previous versions is the size: I cut size 40 this time around.
PT: A única diferença entre esta blusa e as anteriores é o tamanho; desta vez cortei o tamanho 40.
EN: The blouse is asymmetric and it flares differently on each side. The most striking feature is the neck ties to the left of the neckline. Notice the ties have different lengths and there's a slanted seam with a faced opening. Surprisingly this fabric presses really well (lightly press) without losing the crinkled effect; it was also possible to fuse the interfacing on and still maintain the textured effect of the fabric.
PT: A blusa tem um corte assimétrico e a sua amplidão é trabalhada de forma diferente de cada lado. A característica mais distinta desta blusa é a gola-gravata a apertar do lado esquerdo. Notem que as pontas têm comprimentos diferentes também e existe uma abertura trabalhada com uma guarnição na costura inclinada da frente. Surpreendentemente, este tecido pode ser passado a ferro levemente sem perder o efeito enrugado e também é possível aplicar entretela de colar a ferro mantendo o efeito/textura do tecido.
EN: The facing is interfaced with light fusible and still maintains some of the fabric's texture:
PT: A vista do decote é entretelada com entretela de colar a ferro fina e, como podem ver ainda mantém alguma textura:
EN: The ties/neckband are not interfaced and up-close you can see how beautiful this fabric really is; notice how crisp the edges of the tie are, proof that they have been pressed and still maintained the texture of the fabric:
PT: A gola/gravata não é entretelada e ao perto podem apreciar bem a beleza deste tecido. Notem como as orlas da gravata estão bem definidas, prova que a peça foi bem assente a ferro e ainda manteve a textura do tecido:
EN: Here's a cuff; I swapped the buttons that came in the kit (they were pearl-white) with these vintage buttons, a gift from dear friend Paco; there's always something of him on each garment I make, keeping his memory alive.
PT: Podem ver aqui um punho; troquei os botões que vieram no kit (eram branco-pérola) por estes vintage que me foram oferecidos pelo Paco (faço questão de incluir algo dele em cada projeto de costura, para manter a sua memória viva).

EN: This sewing kit was purchased online from Hamon Paris (here); due to French government quarantine restrictions, I am not sure if Hamon is still shipping, but if not, I am hopeful this crisis will end sometime and shops may return to their usual commerce. There's also some sad news: DP Studio is ending his pattern making activity for the DIY community and start embracing other business opportunities. His website is offering a good discount on patterns and kits until they sold out but shipping may be delayed due to the same quarantine restrictions in France.

Whenever you are, please stay safe and don't underestimate the effects of this global pandemic in our society. Things are getting serious and we can help a lot just by staying safe and avoid contagion.
PT: Este kit de costura foi comprado online da Hamon Paris (aqui); devido às restrições de quarentena impostas pelo governo Francês, não estou certa que continuem a expedir as encomendas de frança normalmente; espero que esta crise tenha um fim e as coisas voltem à normalidade possível daqui a algum tempo. Também tenho outra má notícia: a firma DP Studio vai encerrar a atividade relacionada com a produção de moldes para o mercado "faça você mesmo" doméstico e abraçar outros desafios. No website DP Studio estão a oferecer um bom desconto sobre os moldes e kits até esgotar o stock, mas devido às mesmas restrições do governo, as entregas estão bastante atrasadas. 

Onde quer que vocês estejam, tenham cuidado por favor e não substimem o efeito desta pandemia à escala global na nossa sociedade. Encarem com seriedade todas as recomendações e lembrem-se, estaremos a ajudar bastante no combate ao Covid-19 só por nos mantermos seguros e evitarmos o contágio.


Marie-Noëlle said...

Thank you for the news about covid-19 in Portugal. I was thinking about you but unfortunately the news in France say nothing about the situation in Portugal. Stay safe?

Beth (SunnyGal Studio) said...

really pretty, what a great kit. stay well, Beth

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

Definitely a lot to adjust to right now. Like you, we try to keep our daily routine as normal as possible.

I love the blouse, it is soft and beautiful!

mem said...

Hello Tany , a very pretty blouse . I am glad to hear that you are ok . Here in Australia we are going into lockdown except for essential services of which I am apparently one .I am getting into gardening and sewing so will be doing some time consuming work to take my Damion off things when I get the chance .

Suzanne said...

Stay safe!!! We canceled our summer vacation in Portugal when things got bad there. Hopefully next year. And now things here in the USA are starting to really go downhill. Good luck with life at home - we've been doing it for 2 1/2 weeks (started before most did here in Florida).

The blouse is quite lovely! I may have to try some of these kits when we get to the other side of this. Stay safe!

Colo Heather said...

I'm glad to see you are well at home! I'd not heard of these kits, they look stylish and with wonderful fabrics! Given I'm just looking at pictures since I don't read French.😉

Vicki M said...

So pretty! Glad to hear you are safe and have everything set up at home. Our office (Australia) is still open but we are working on rotation from home. As our office is in the suburbs we don't catch public transport. We all drive. Unfortunately our hours and wages have been reduced. Keep well.

Sewing Tidbits said...

What a lovely blouse! You seem to have your daily routine well set up, I'm impressed... Working from home with my 3-year-old is proving challenging to say the least!