Free video tutorials: How to draft and sew an asymmetric skirt, by Paukshte Fashion Workshop

EN Summary: The videos are doubled in English. The tutorial on how to sew the waist facing together with the invisible zipper is the method that I've been using for a while so I highly recommend watching these videos!
PT Sumário: Os vídeos estão dobrados em Inglês. O passo-a-passo em como coser a guarnição/vista da cintura numa saia com fecho invisível corresponde o método que tenho usado, por isso recomendo que vejam estes vídeos!

EN Part 1: How to draft the skirt pattern starting from the straight skirt block; cutting the first skirt pieces and the lining for the asymmetric flared panel (watch on YouTube here):
PT Parte 1: Como desenhar o molde da saia assimétrica começando pelo molde básico da saia direita; corte das primeiras peças da saia e do forro da peça com assimétrica com roda (podem ver no YouTube aqui):

EN Part 2: Cutting the bias flared panel and the flounce (watch on YouTube here):
PT Parte 2: Corte em viés do painel com roda e do "babado"/folho (ver aqui no YouTube):

EN Part 3: Hand-basting the skirt for the first fitting (watch on YouTube here):
PT Parte 3: Alinhavar a saia para a primeira prova (vejam aqui no YouTube):

EN Part 4: Cutting and Interfacing the waist facing; preparing the invisible zipper for stitching (watch on YouTube here):
PT Parte 4: Corte e reforço com entretela da vista/guarnição da cintura; preparação do fecho invisivel (vejam aqui no YouTube):

EN Part 5: Stitching the invisible zipper in; stitching and under-stitching the waist facing to the skirt, together with the invisible zipper (watch on YouTube here):
PT Parte 5: Colocação do fecho invisível; aplicação da vista/guarnição da cintura juntamente com o fecho; pesponto de girar ao longo da costura da cintura (vejam aqui no YouTube):

EN: There's enough information in this series of videos to sew your own skirt with flared bias panel. The lining on the flared bias panel helps with the overall structure of the skirt and is an interesting technique that can be used with this or any other skirt design with a flared panel. The technique for attaching the facing is also very useful and produces a very neat finish. If the skirt was fully lined, the technique would be very similar (the lining would be attached to the facing first, and the first step would be to stitch the facing/lining to the zipper tape along the zipper opening). I really hope these videos are useful to you guys!
PT: Nestes videos encontram informação suficiente para confecionarem uma saia com painel em viés com roda. O forro adicionado a este painel ajuda a dar mais estrutura à saia e é uma técnica bastante interessante, que podem utilizar com outros modelos de saia ou vestido com este tipo de painel rodado. A técnica para coser a guarnição da cintura com o fecho invisível é a técnica industrial que tenho usado para saias e calças com vista de cintura e proporciona um acabamento perfeito. A técnica para peças forradas é semelhante, sendo que o forro tem de ser cosido às vistas antes; depois cose-se o forro/vistas às orlas do fecho invisível primeiro, e depois prossegue-se com a costura da cintura da mesma forma. Espero que estes vídeos vos possam ser úteis!


Vicki M said...

Love all her videos. I can't keep up :) I'm not sure how I got onto them, perhaps you mentioned her before? So much valuable information. It is also interesting how better dressed the Russians are and also the style of clothing. One video recently on drafting for outerwear she mentioned how outerwear is now close fitting, yet I see more loose/cocoon shapes here in Australia.

Marie-Noëlle said...

Yes I'm following this channel since you mentioned it some time ago. I find it very useful

Tany said...

Vicki Yes I did mention her channel a few months ago and at a rate of one video a day it is hard to keep up! I make sure I don't miss any of her videos though; she has a very practical approach to dressmaking and tailoring, and I always learn something interesting from her videos. I also bought her 10 measurement course (not that I need another custom pattern block, but I was curious and also felt that her channel is worth supporting). Regarding outwear trends, I see both on runaways, but the oversize coats are trending more in my opinion. Of course it is better for her business if people look for tailored & more figure fitting coats ;)

Bernice said...

I love these videos! I have been watching this channel for about 6 months and I find it so interesting and helpful. I have learned so much.