Sem escrever por uns tempos… - Not blogging for a while...

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Desta vez a vida meteu-se mesmo no caminho e não vou conseguir manter o blog actualizado assim como comentar nos vossos blogs (vou espreitando sempre que possa, mas sem deixar comentários). O que acontece é que estou no processo de comprar casa nova, e as de vocês que já estiveram nessa situação sabem o tempo que se perde a tratar de tudo. Entretanto, antes de me despedir por uns tempos, aqui estão as fotos possíveis do fato bege (não pude perder grande tempo em sessões fotográficas, limitei-me a fotografar as peças como as usei nesses dias):

Colete e calças:

Detalhe do bolso atrás:

Blazer e colete usados com Levi’s:

O tecido veio com uma etiqueta de origem, que acrescentei ao lado da minha:

Mais algumas fotos do blazer no manequim:

Espero que tenham gostado desta aventura! Escrever no Couture et Tricot foi sempre um grande prazer para mim e permitiu-me conhecer muita gente maravilhosa e evoluir os meus conhecimentos sobre costura. Sempre tive muito carinho de toda a comunidade online e creio que deixo bastante material que pode ser consultado e apreciado durante esta pausa prolongada (prometo voltar quando as coisas assentarem).

Um grande abraço a todos(as), fiquem bem!


This time life definitely got in the way and I won’t be capable of maintaining my blogging activity for a while. I’ll try to keep up with everybody else’s work as possible, but I’ll be lurking and not commenting. I’m in the process of buying a new house (yes, I’m counting on a dedicated sewing space!) and those of you who went through this process know how time consuming it becomes.
Before leaving I have some pictures of the beige suit to share (these were taken as I wore the garments to work, there wasn’t time for a proper photo shoot):

The vest and pants worn with a short sleeve blouse:

Back pocket detail:

Jacket and vest worn with Levi’s jeans:

Here’s the fabric’s origin label next to may own:

A few more pictures of the jacket on the dressform:

I hope you’ve enjoyed this sewing adventure! Maintaining Couture et Tricot has always been a great pleasure for me and through blogging I was able to meet many wonderful people, to evolve my sewing skills and achieve great fulfillment. While I’m gone, all the articles are available for consult and I think there’s enough material to continue inspiring and helping those who strive for sewing information. I’ll never forget you guys and promise to return to normal blogging activity as soon as possible.

A big Hug to all,



Unknown said...

vou esperar o teu regresso.
Até lá desejo que tudo corra como desejas.

Sheila said...

Good luck on your new home venture. The suit came out great and like the versatility.

ceregana said...

Have a lot of fun Tany! You are great!

Catarina said...

o conjunto ficou magnifico!
Boas mudanças!

senaSews said...

I wish you good luck to find a new home quickly and without any complications! Hope to see (read) you soon! Thanks for all your wonderful sewing tips and for sharing your creations with us!

Best wishes, senaSews

Ann Made Studio said...

Tany your suit is beautiful.

Good Luck with your house adventure. I am so happy for you and it will be allot of fun looking for that perfect house. We are in the final stages of settling in and yes it is very time consuming, but of course well worth it.
Keep in touch periodically and let us know how you are making out :)

BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Perfecto Tany, y con los jeans queda de lo MAS....!!!!. No nos dejes por mucho tiempo, pleaseeee...

Abrazos para tí también, Paco

Adrienne said...

You look great!! YAY for your home! I love the one you are getting :)

Erica Bunker said...

You look fabulous Tany! Congrats on the new home! Yes, a dedicated sewing space is truly a blessing! Good luck and you'll be missed!

Jenny said...

Your suit is beautiful. I've enjoyed following your sewing and look forward to your return to blogging. Best of luck finding your dream home!

Laila said...

Mais uma vez parabens pelo trabalho e obrigada por compartilhar suas experiencias conosco.
Boa sorte no processo de compra da sua casa e volte breve.

sewsy said...

Tany, I've been lurking for a long time now, and wanted to state how much I appreciate you posting your sewing projects. Your sewing is absolutely exquisite. You and Paco are two of my favorites, and I am very grateful to you both for taking the time to share your sewing passion and knowledge.

Good Luck with the new house.

See you when you get back.


Christina said...

Your outfit is just fab, Tany! I like how you can wear each piece several ways. Good luck with the house hunting.

Trudy said...

Your outfit is wonderful as always. I wish you well in looking for a new home. I am so happy for you. You will be missed, and I look forward to your return.

Celina said...

Tany, já estou a sentir a tua falta! Nem posso acreditar que não vais andar por aqui nos próximos tempos. Acho que já sentimos todos a tua falta... Se passares pelos nossos cantinhos peço-te que deixes, de vez em quando, uma palavrinha que seja, será uma forma de sabermos que estás por perto.
Compreendo perfeitamente que o teu tempo disponível agora esteja comprometido. Deve ser uma grande aventura a procura de uma casa e tudo o que envolve. Só me resta desejar, sinceramente, que corra tudo pelo melhor e que encontres aquilo que procuras. Depois terás tempo de voltar a estas lides (e espaço para ocupares com mais criações). Fico à espera de ver imagens do teu novo quarto de costura ;)

Anonymous said...

Tany, boa sorte na compra da casa nova. Como eu subscribe o seu blog, quando voce voltar eu saberei (sempre aparece no topo). Ficarei torcendo para que tudo de certo. As roupas ficaram lindas! -luiza

Celina said...

Ai, que já me ia esquecendo... O conjunto ficou 5 estrelas! muito elegante. Esse tecido tem mesmo muito bom aspecto.

Mon Café Couture said...

Tany I love the jacket on you. Just perfect with your jeans. I wish you luck with the new house and hope you find it quickly. We're moving at the end of the month and I know how exhausting the process can be. Good luck and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy house hunting, i hope you find what you are looking for.

Your suit is fabulous!

Angie R.

NancyDaQ said...

Good luck on your house hunt!

Claudine said...

LOVE the vest with the short sleeved blouse and trousers! Thanks for taking the time to post and good luck on your home purchase!

gwensews said...

I will miss your posts and your beautiul garments. Good luck with your move. Wishing you the best.

Corteygrif said...

Fica-te perfeito Tany,
e o lenço em verde deu lhe um charme extra!
Quanto à compra de casa,eu sei o stress e o tempo que se perde,mas desejo que tudo saia do teu agrado,è muito bom termos o nosso cantinho!
Felicidades e boa compra
ate breve
um abraço

Beth said...

Oi Tany,
Com certeza vamos sentir saudades, mas é por uma boa causa.
Muito boa sorte na casa nova.
Beijos e até a volta.


Rosângela Borges said...

Já estou com saudades. Estou tão acostumada a consultar seu blog semanalmente.Aprendi muito com você, e por favor, não tire seu blog do ar enquanto estiver afastada. Não se esqueça, também de postar as fotos da nova casa! Um abraço. Rosângela.

Lisette M said...

Mucha suerte con la compra de la casa. Extranare mucho tus proyectos, pero como dices hay mucho para aprender en lo que existe(ayer mismo busque informacion de una blusa que sabia habias hecho!)

Joyce in NC said...

A beautiful outfit as always. Congratulations on a dedicated sewing space in the new house.

Audrey said...

Tany querida agora fiquei triste, mas é por uma boa causa né; fica a esperança que depois que tiver a sua casa nova hum!!! que delícia toda decoradinha você volte a nos proporcionar belas imagens com suas costuras lindas.
Beijos pra você e que tudo ocorra da melhor forma nessa sua fase de transição de uma casa nova.

Hanande sazende said...

Tany very good , beautiful.

Shannon said...

How exciting to be purchasing a house (with sewing space)!

Lovely suit - looks fabulous on you!

Summerset said...

Good luck with your house adventure! I'll be waiting for your return.

Vicki said...

Thanks Tany for all the wonderful posts you have done over the time you have been blogging. Good luck with the house hunting (and moving). You are right, it does take a lot of time and heaps of energy. Look forward to your return :)
Oh, and the suit is just gorgeous. You do such wonderful sewing.

Sue said...

Best wishes on the house buying adventure! Look forward to your return to blog-land.

Nita said...

Ficou magnifico, lindo

Carol said...

The house buying and moving business takes a load of time, but it's worth it in the end. Thanks for the inspiration you've given us all. I particularly like this jacket!

Dana said...

Good luck with the house! Another fantastic outfit, love it!

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Tany - congratulations on the new house! You will be missed and I will anxiously await your return. BTW, the suit is beautiful and I like how all of the pieces work professionally as well as during your off-hours time!

Bunny said...

That suit is stunning on you. I wish you the best during this exciting time. I will miss your inpiring posts and know I will check back in often. Hope you are not gone too long.

KayB said...

Oh... Good Luck with your house hunting!
I have to say I love the jeans/vest/jacke combinatio best, especially with the animal print top underneath - I feel quiete inspired by it! Nice suit, though....
Hope to see you soon!

Gail said...

Good luck with the house hunting. Theres some lovely ones right here in my street. You could teach me to sew! Ok a little off your beat, I'll have to admire your sewing and style from a distance.

Elaray said...

Good luck with the house hunt. I hope you're able to come back to blogging soon.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your time and sharing your skill and eye for fashion with us. Good luck with the house hunt!


Mamã Martinho said...

Este post deixou-me deprimida, pois parecia uma despedida e não uma até já!
Espero que corra tudo bem com a aquisição da nova casa (é a que falamos?) e fico aqui à espera que voltes. Entratanto vai dando noticias pelo messenger ou pelo mail.



Marcela Brasil said...

Vou sentir saudades!!! Boa sorte!! Até breve!!

ValooFromFrance said...

i think i never left a comment here ; today's the opportunity. Thank you for sharing all these great achivements of yours, good luck with your real life matters ... and for sure i hope you'll have your own sewing room and you'll go on and on into your sewing skills !

Audrey said...

How exciting to be buying a house, especially one with dedicated sewing space. Packing for your move, from your present home to your new house, will reveal how much sewing "stuff" you really have. I remember being surprised at how much fabric I had to pack and move. I really like the beige suit pieces. They can be combined with so many other garments, as you show in your photos. I especially like those snakeskin sandals!

anita said...

Beautiful suit, Tany! It's very versatile! Best of luck to you in purchasing a new home with a dedicated sewing room. How exciting!! :)

Els said...

Hope you will find the perfect house.
The new suit you made looks fantastic.

Hugs Els

sonoemi said...

A very nice look and versatility combined, a perfect job!
Good luck with buying a new house!

Mary Beth said...

Byeeee, Tany. See you again sometime.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your beautiful posts and for sharing all your sewing accomplishments with us lurking sewers.
Big hug,

Ana's Closet said...

Ficou o máximo, a combinação de peças!
O casaco foi daquela peças que me chamou a atenção. Agora, depois de ver a tua versão, ainda fiquei com mais vontade de fazer um para mim. Quem sabe?

Desejo-te as maiores felicidades na procura da nova casa. E... espero notícias!


Jenaveve said...

Hey Tany,

The perfect reason to take a break from the blog. I hope you have great success with the house and the sewing - you really do have some wonderful work here that I have yet to read and enjoy, so thanks for all the work you've put online, it's appreciated by so many!


Anonymous said...

amei este conjunto principalmente o primeiro look com o colete, calça, camisa branca e lenço . maravilhoso. Boa sorte na compra da casa nova. Suze -BRASIL.

Sismada said...

Olá Tany,
eu não sou uma habituada dos posts ... bem queria ... eu sei como é difícil a nível de tempo ... passa passa e não damos por isso ...
Boa sorte na compra da casa espero que encontres aquela dos teus sonhos.
Aproveita esse tempo para também descansares pois bem mereces.
O conjunto ficou mesmo lindo e perfeito mas nada que não seja habitual da tua parte.
Um beijinho com carinho

anabelacampus said...

está tão bonito e versátil. realmente fica muito bem com as calças de ganga!
beijinhos e boa compra de casa, é sempre uma altura muito absorvente, mas é uma realização pessoal maravilhosa!

Anonymous said...

Yes, buying a new house is absolutly the time to take a blog-break...

Thanks for all your great clothes-making-adventures, it's inspire me to make my own!!!

Groeten uit Amsterdam,


myleta said...

ADORO o blazer e o pormenor nas costas! Fica lindo.

Vamos ter muitas saudades, mas como é por uma boa causa, vá... a gente espera, eheheh

Um beijo enorme e qq coisa apita, nós damos uma ajudinha :P
(mental, pois tá claro!ihihihihih)

AllisonC said...

Hope the house purchase goes smoothly! I've always been amazed not only by your work but your very detailed blog posts, in two languages no less. I will miss new posts from you while you are gone but there is plenty of info and inspiration in all your previous posts to keep us going.

Margi said...

I thought the jacket would look great with jeans! Thanks for sharing and look forward to your return when you have more time.


desingdreamer said...

That jacket (actually all three pieces) is gorgeous, as is EVERYTHING you make!
Good Luck in house hunting and purchasing!
Hope to see you back blogging soon!

Agnieszka M. said...

piekne rzeczy szyjesz

Karen said...

Good luck with your house search. I hope it goes easily and that you get the sewing space you deserve.

Your blogging will be missed, but while you're away, I may go back to the beginning and start reading all over again, I'm sure I missed a few things worth learning.

Your suit turned out beautifully, by the way. I really love how the jacket and vest look with jeans, it's wonderful that you can dress it up or down like that.

Nile e Richard said...

Oi Tany.
Muito bonito o conjunto.
Até a volta.

Nonflammable said...

Congratulations on your home acquisition. Exciting, yet stressful.

You provide so much information on this blog, (blogging is so time consuming) it is like reviewing an encyclopedia.....this blog reader can't thank you enough.

I look forward to going back and reading older posts and seeing pics of your new home, when you get settled in, of course.

Good luck,

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking here for quite some time now, but never posted. You have repeatedly inspired and amazed me. Thank you and good luck!

Derby KS

Ana Carina said...


Só hoje consegui deixar comentários, mas já cá tinha vindo e fiquei triste ao saber que vais estar afastada do teu blog por uns tempos...

...mas como eu te compreendo! Eu própria estou a ter grande dificuldade de manter o meu blog actualizado devido ao meu trabalho...n tenho tempo nem paciencia para nada.

Bem, espero que consigas organizar-te e voltares renovada!!!

(ahhh também quero ver as fotos da nova casa!)

Beijinho grandes e cá estarei para assistir ao teu regresso e aos teus projectos.

Katerina said...

Hi Tany, although I have been never commenting here before, I´d like to thank you for your inspiring blog. I like to watch what were you working on and the helpfull step-by-step´s. I was an active "hobbysewer" too (and paused because of minority of time)and you encouraged me to refresh this activity. Good luck in buying your house and enjoy the other nicer activities as furnishing, decorating etc. Kaatja

myleta said...

Está tudo a correr bem?
Beijos grandes!
Estamos com saudades...

Maria Lúcia said...

To com muitas saudades suas mais
sei que está fazendo o que é
importante na sua vida.
Mudar é bom mais é preciso
paciência para que tudo saia
com você planejou.

sensoussi said...

Desejo-lhe muito sucesso neste processo de profissionalização de sua arte.
Você esteve conosco todos os fãs de tantos, a sua prova. Basta, para gerir os recursos financeiros e de negócios (certamente não simples), mas obviamente você tem as ferramentas.
Boa sorte

Florença, Sensoussi

I wish you much success in this process of professionalization of your art.
You've been with us all so many fans, your evidence. Suffice it to manage the financial and business (certainly not simple), but you obviously have the tools.
Good luck

Florence, Sensoussi

Anonymous said...

Estoy alucinada, estoy viendo tu blog, y coses de maravilla.
Ojala supiese un poquito de portugués para poderte leer mejor

myleta said...

Continuamos c muitas saudades... :)

Beijos grandes

sensoussi said...

hi, Tany, hope u're great!

73rd comments, uncredible, but is it your job which is the responsable of this missing?
Hope so...u'll have more time later.

Tell me did u find the label of component "all wool" for exemple on the net? Please tell me where if ever

Give us news, when u can

sensoussi said...

Sorry just read your last message in english, impossible in portuges, please let me have private news

Nita said...

Olá Tany, como estão as mudanças?! espero que estejam a acabar, tenho saudades de ver as tuas costuras por aqui.


myleta said...


Rucas said...

Tany adorei o blazer e o colete :) Tudo de bom nesta nova fase da tua vida. Muita energia positiva.


~ Kimberlee B ~ said...

As always, I love it!