English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Parece que o blogger nos pregou uma partida... Desde há algum tempo que não consigo publicar nada e agora só mesmo inibindo o Sitemeter (o contador de visitantes) é que consegui aceder ao meu próprio blog... Parece que o Sitemeter está bloqueado e por esse motivo todos os blogs que o usam não carregam no ecran. Espero que resolvam este problema rapidamente. Entretanto vou publicando os meus artigos sem o contador de visistas.
It looks like Blogger played a trick on us... I am unable to post for some time and now there seems to be another problem: the only way for accessing my blog was to inhibit the Sitemeter feature (the visits counter). For this reason I am unable to visit most of the blogs in my blogroll, the ones that are using Sitemeter. I hope they fix this problem soon. It looks like Sitemeter is blocked and every blog using it won't load on the screen.
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Mmmm, I was having a problem going to my RSS feeds - the internet kept closing down the sites. But I can get onto yours! Imagine if we could not "speak" to each other any more.....horror.....
Hola Tanny, sería bueno que hicieras un respaldo de tu blog, por si a las moscas. Siempre paso por aquí y veo tus trabajos aunque no coloque ningún comentario, últimamente ando algo apurada. Me encanta este último vestido y como dice Paco una pieza de ingeniería.
I have been having a beast of a time posting on my blog. Everytime I publish or edit I have to go through and 'fix' code that wasn't a problem before.
The first problem was this blog being identified as spam; then they fixed it but now there's another problem (maybe what caused the blog to be reported as spam in the first place). I am able to post now, but I had to disable Sitemeter (just editing the HTML code and commenting the sitemeter script. This was upsetting, since until now I was not able to open my own blog! Every other blogs that are using Sitemeter fail to load on the screen too.
I was having problems yesterday. Everytime I logged into my blog I got an error message that the website could not be displayed, but now its working.
hummm...até agora não tive qualquer problema...ás vezes são uns códigos que estão "por detrás" do blog...
I know what you mean . Last Sunday I was in real panic! Without all my blogger friends I'd be lost.
That's why I had to take my sitemeter off and lost all my history.
I have since replaced it and have to start all over again. But I would rather be able to access my favourite sites over statistics any day!!!!
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