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E aqui têm o meu primeiro projecto concluído em 2011!
Podem ver-me a usar o casaco aqui.
Podem culpar o Karl Lagerfeld e a colecção de pronto-a-vestir Chanel Outono/Inverno 10/11 por este afluxo de peles sintéticas e estilo “Homem das Neves”…
Molde original: Burda Outubro de 2008, modelo 101 (também já tinha feito a versão curta deste casaco, vejam aqui):

Descrição: Casaco forrado de pelo sintético com mangas raglan pelos cotovelos, aperta com molas de pressão na frente e tem bolsos metidos nas costuras laterais.
Material usado: Imitação de pele com pelo grande cor “arruivada”(malha no avesso) comprada na Feira dos Tecidos, tafetá no mesmo tom (não é tecido de forro especificamente, mas resultou bem), três molas de pressão gigantes em cobre, entretela de crina, fita de algodão e linhas a condizer.
Alterações: Não fiz qualquer alteração ao molde, mas na confecção acrescentei reforços de entretela de crina nas bainhas e fita de algodão para reforçar as costuras das cavas (como também fiz para a jaqueta de pelo com gola amovível). Além disso também cosi entretela de crina nas vistas da frente e vista do decote. Utilizei apenas três molas de pressão de cobre tamanho gigante.
Confecção: Não tenho muito a acrescentar ao que já disse quanto à jaqueta de pelo; tive que aparar o pelo nas margens de costura para reduzir o volume das costuras (principalmente nos cantos e intersecções), uma vez que este tecido é bastante volumoso. O forro foi totalmente cosido à máquina ao casaco, e depois virado por uma costura que deixei aberta nas mangas do forro. O canto de junção forro/vista/bainha foi confeccionado segundo o método explicado no blogue Fashion Incubator (série “Nameless Tutorial”).
Mais fotos:
Conclusão: Gosto bastante deste modelo, embora tenha consciência que onde vivo temos clima temperado e poucas vezes as temperaturas descem abaixo de zero, mas como costumo passar férias na neve, nessas alturas terá bastante uso! As mangas pelos cotovelos dão um toque diferente, e permitem usar este casaco por cima de blusões, ou com luvas até aos cotovelos. A cor também me agrada bastante e vai coordenar com várias peças do meu guarda-roupa. Como sempre podem ver-me a usar o casaco no Tany et La Mode.
Quero pedir desculpas por estar tão atrasada a ler os blogues; estive doente e só há dois dias é que me senti melhor, resolvi aproveitar o fim-de-semana ao máximo para costurar este casaco… Durante a próxima semana vou tentar por as leituras em dia!
Obrigada por visitarem e tenham um óptimo Ano!
Drum roll, please…. Here’s my first completed project in 2011!
You can see me wearing the coat here.
You can blame Karl Lagerfeld and his Chanel Fall 2010 RTW collection for the overload of faux fur and yeti looks, lol!

Pattern used: Burda World of Fashion October 2008, model 101 (I’ve sewn the shorter version of this model before, click here).

Description: Lined faux fur coat with elbow length raglan sleeves, snap front closure and in-seam pockets.

Fabrics and Notions: Rust color long faux fur (knit on the wrong side), taffeta for the lining (this is not ordinary lining taffeta, but it worked out just fine), three jumbo size copper snaps, tailoring canvas, cotton tape and matching thread.
Alterations: I didn’t alter the pattern, just added my usual reinforcements (as you can see in the faux fur jacket and snood review here). I also interfaced the front and neck facings with tailoring canvas. I used just three giant snaps on the front closure.
Sewing process: I don’t have much to add to what I made for the fur jacket and snood; I did have to trim/shave the excess fur on the SAs, mainly on corners and intersections, to reduce bulk. I bagged the lining (sewn to the coat entirely by machine) leaving a 8 inch section of the lining sleeve open, to be able to turn lining and coat to the right side. The facing/hem/lining corner intersection was sewn as explained in the Nameless Tutorial series by Kathleen Fasanella.
More photos of the finished coat:

Conclusion: I really love this style of coat, though I am well aware that in our temperate climate temperatures rarely are low enough to be able to wear such a coat, but since me and the boyfriend love to go abroad to the mountains to do snowboarding, the coat will get plenty of wear then. The elbow length sleeves are a nice detail that makes this coat different and original: I picture myself layering it over a leather jacket or simply with elbow length gloves. The rust color also appeals to me, and will coordinate with plenty of garments in my wardrobe. You’ll be able to see me wearing the coat on my wardrobe blog.
I must apologize for being so behind on blog reading; I’ve been ill last week and since I only got better a couple of days ago, I spent the time sewing some more, to be able to finish this coat before the working week begins.
Thank you all so much for visiting and Happy New Year!
You can see me wearing the coat here.
You can blame Karl Lagerfeld and his Chanel Fall 2010 RTW collection for the overload of faux fur and yeti looks, lol!
Pattern used: Burda World of Fashion October 2008, model 101 (I’ve sewn the shorter version of this model before, click here).

Description: Lined faux fur coat with elbow length raglan sleeves, snap front closure and in-seam pockets.
Fabrics and Notions: Rust color long faux fur (knit on the wrong side), taffeta for the lining (this is not ordinary lining taffeta, but it worked out just fine), three jumbo size copper snaps, tailoring canvas, cotton tape and matching thread.
Alterations: I didn’t alter the pattern, just added my usual reinforcements (as you can see in the faux fur jacket and snood review here). I also interfaced the front and neck facings with tailoring canvas. I used just three giant snaps on the front closure.
Sewing process: I don’t have much to add to what I made for the fur jacket and snood; I did have to trim/shave the excess fur on the SAs, mainly on corners and intersections, to reduce bulk. I bagged the lining (sewn to the coat entirely by machine) leaving a 8 inch section of the lining sleeve open, to be able to turn lining and coat to the right side. The facing/hem/lining corner intersection was sewn as explained in the Nameless Tutorial series by Kathleen Fasanella.
More photos of the finished coat:
Conclusion: I really love this style of coat, though I am well aware that in our temperate climate temperatures rarely are low enough to be able to wear such a coat, but since me and the boyfriend love to go abroad to the mountains to do snowboarding, the coat will get plenty of wear then. The elbow length sleeves are a nice detail that makes this coat different and original: I picture myself layering it over a leather jacket or simply with elbow length gloves. The rust color also appeals to me, and will coordinate with plenty of garments in my wardrobe. You’ll be able to see me wearing the coat on my wardrobe blog.
I must apologize for being so behind on blog reading; I’ve been ill last week and since I only got better a couple of days ago, I spent the time sewing some more, to be able to finish this coat before the working week begins.
Thank you all so much for visiting and Happy New Year!
You are really sewing a lot of coats in leather and faux furs lately. Coming from a warm climate too I can only look and admire.
Wow! Double Wow! What a fun coat. You'll have a great time wearing it.
I adore the coat! It looks warm and so fun to wear. Enjoy!
What a cool coat! Very fun. I look forward to seeing you style it on your other blog.
You are really the "faux" queen! This should be perfect for the slopes. Keep 'em coming!
How fun! "Faux queen", how funny!
Looks like a fun coat for sure! Happy New Year!
I agree with everyone else, it looks like a fun coat to make and to wear!
Somewhere in the Alps they are waiting to see you in this coat, fantastic!
So nice and warm, too! I've got faux in the works, too, if I ever get done with the current coat. Today, today I *will* finish. Your lovely fur has been inspiration to get this other coat done and on to the fur one!
Ai que chique! Eu ganhei link na lista de blogs...
Primeiro espero que já estejas melhor!
Segundo o cascao fiocu muito bem! A cor do pelo é bem gira e tenjo a certeza que lhe vais dar algum uso.
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