Lista de projectos para o Outono/Inverno 07/08 – Project list for Fall/Winter 07/08

Actualizado em 22-03-2008 (Terminado o conjunto "O Diabo Veste Prada")- Updated on 03-22-2008 (The Devil Wears Prada suit is finished)

Olá pessoal,
Hi guys,

Este post vai servir de guia para os meus projectos para esta estação, e vai sendo actualizado à medida que o trabalho progride. Basicamente os projectos vão ser divididos em categorias e prioridades. Normalmente haverá apenas um projecto em curso (não é prático porque não tenho um espaço dedicado para a costura e se tivesse mais do que um projecto ia ser o caos), uma lista de projectos para os quais já tenho reunido todo o material necessário e como tal têm maior prioridade para serem feitos e projectos para os quais já tenho o tecido mas ainda me faltam outros materiais. Como vão ver, a minha listagem é longa e o tempo é pouco!
This post will serve the purpose of an updated project list (current project, upcoming projects, etc). Normally there will be no more than one ongoing sewing project (I don’t have a dedicated sewing space hence it’s not practical having more than one ongoing project at a time), a list of projects for which I have all the materials needed (these will be the priority projects) and a list of projects for which I already have the fabric but still lack a few of the notions). As you can see, this is a long list and time is short!

Projectos terminados - Completed projects

Vestido balão - Bubble Dress

Capa/colete (Burda 08/07mod111) - Cape/vest (BWOF 08/07mod111)

Vestido Galaxy de Roland Mouret - Roland Mouret's Galaxy Dress

Jaqueta Mrs Stylebook - Mrs Stylebook Jacket

Blusa Roxa - Purple blouse

Calças largas de risca-de-giz - Wide pinstriped trousers

Vestido de jersey púrpura - Purple knit dress

Gabardina Falbala - Falbala trench coat

Jaqueta raglan roxa - Purple raglan jacket

Casaco Phildar assimétrico - Asymmetric Phildar Jacket

Casaco Leopardo - Leopard coat

Fato Unrath&Strano - Unrath&Strano suit

Casaco Armani vermelho - Armani red coat

Fato "O Diabo Veste Prada" - "The Devil Wears Prada" Suit


  1. Very chic choices! They all appeal to me, and some of them are on my list to make. Out of all of them the red trench is my favorite. I've been think of making a red trench coat, but that one is really different and fabulous.

  2. Oh, Tany, I absolutely LOVE all your projects!! What a joy it will be to follow your progress through them. There are several I would love to do as well - but my list is so long already!
    I still owe you an email my friend - the week has been crazy... Big hugs to you! :)

  3. Tany, you always choose such interesting garments. Nothing plain and ordinary for you. Can't wait to see them made up!

  4. Mas que grande lista e de coisas tão lindas. Os meus preferidos são os modelos vermelhos e as calças Dona Karan, um espectáculo. Haja energia para tudo isso :)

    Obrigada ppela dica, vou dar uma espreitadela ao Ebay, obrigada...

    Muitos beijinhos,

  5. Tany, love all your projects. The tie BWOF knit top is on my list, too.

  6. Tany, it would be hard to go wrong with any of these projects. They are all so perfect for you! But, then, I can't think of something that would look bad on you :)

  7. Tany ~ this is an amazing list of projects! How long will it take you to get them completed or will some of these spill over into next year? I will have to stay tuned because I don't want to miss seeing any of these completed!

  8. What great fashion taste! Of course you would look great in a paper sack. I like all of your projects but I think the short Burda jackets are my favorites.

  9. What a great selection of projects. Great colors that coordinate. I didn't realize that Lacroix/LaRedoute trench was in Patrones last year...

  10. Almost all of your picks are on my "badly wanted" list too - I suddenly got very depressed last night when I realized I could never possibly sew everything that I want to sew arghhh :(( Not if I don't find someone to support me and expensive fabric habit...
    I love that white shirt from Mr. Stylebook! Have you tried anything yet from Mr. S? I read a lot about it in blogs but never tried it.

  11. I love your new projects! Can't wait to see them all finished up!

  12. Obrigada a todas!
    Thank you all!

    Carolyn: I have now idea of how long it will take me to complete all these projects! And this list has only the models for which I already picked up the fabric! My wish list is even longer! I hope I can make everything during this year but I'm not sure I'll be able to succeed.

    Christina: I was very surprised when I was browsing the LaRedoute catalogue and saw this trench! I had it in my mind since last year! The Patrones model is slightly different though; I'll post about it soon!

    LauraLo: I totally relate to you! I should hire a bunch of house elves and win the lottery for being able to make everything in my wish list! As for Mrs Stylebook, it's my first attempt at it. I finished the jacket last night and I am happy with it but it's a lot of hard work just for drafting the pattern! This jacket features a very unusual pattern but I've been seeing this style on many good RTW stores, so I decided I should go ahead and try it!

  13. bem, escolhe o que quiseres e faz como quiseres... esta tudo aprovado e anseio por ver tudo...

  14. Tantos?!?!
    Bem se for a fazer uma lista como tu também sou capaz de ter muitos...
    Adorei os modelos que escolhes-te e já estou curiosa para ver como te ficam. Vi foi que estás numa ed mudar o garda roupa de casacos...



  15. Bem, cada modelo é mais giro que o outro vou sempre passar por aqui para ver os progressos!!!!!

  16. Wonderful choices Tany! The styles and colors are so trendy yet classic and chic at the same time.

  17. Bem grande lista, tu és uma super mulher, Trabalhas e ainda tens tempo para fazer coisas tão bonitas e escreveres aqui todos os passos. Muitos parabéns, não sei se já te disse mas virei tua fã :)

    Bom fim de semana
    Beijos grandes

  18. Lindíssimos futuros projectos!
    Gosto de todos, muitos tb são dos que gostei mais(como o casaco de Christian Lacroix!!!
    Pois agora não conseguo ver o resto dos modelos e perguntei ontem a moça que me vende as revistas e diz que não têm vindo... :(
    Haja paciência

    Bjs e parabéns pelo teu trabalho!

  19. What great projects, all lovely and especially the Mrs. Stylebook project and your fabric choice is awesome.

  20. Oi, Tany!

    Estou sumida, né? Seus projetos são lindos! Você ficou simplesmente uma Diva com o vestido azul da Vogue!


    Rita Angélica

  21. Tany, your choices are all very nice! I can't wait to watch your progress as you complete each one! Go girl!

  22. (Evil Laugh) I am patting myself on the back for having made some of the same selections as you. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

  23. It is so much fun following your projects. I think the leopard coat is going to be my favorite of this bunch. :)

  24. Olá tany. parece k temos os mesmos gostos. ainda sou novinha na costura e quero mto fzr a capa k acabaste de fazer como tambem kero fazer o casaco curto da burda 115B. Já agora obrigada pelo teu blog. é fantastico. o meu e-mail é bom trabalho

  25. Tany, long time no chat! about the stylebook blouse, i made it and it was so lovely, i have to find the picture and send it or post it up for you to see, i was just looking for some time and i will be making another one. On jeans - its just pure class. I can't wait for the last issue of stylebook for this year and then i have to renew my subscription. By the way! the cape - was the bomb!!!

  26. Hi Buki! My jacket (I made it as a jacket since it's full lined and the fabric has more body than regular shirting fabric) is completed now and I love it! I would love to see both your versions but since your blogger profile is hidden I don't know your blog address... Please come back and leave the link to your blog! I'm also trying to find the last issue from MSB; I buy it from an Ebay seller. Be welcome to visit Couture et Tricot any time!

  27. Que bom gosto tany,vai ficar tudo lindo,adoro a camisa de folhos e a calca de riscas,esse tipo de calca faz nos mais altas e elegantes adoro.tens muito trabalho amiga.
    os blogs realmente cansam nos imenso,para alem do trabalho que se faz,sao as postagens,fotos explicacoes,fora a elaboracao mental e materiais,isto e um autentico segundo trabalho!!
    boas costuras!

  28. Dear Tany,
    I've been reading your blog and checking out all the wonderful things you've made since I've last visited. I love your list of projects for this winter and I'm looking forward to seeing them unfold on your blog.

  29. Thank you Anna, I'm glad to have you back!

  30. somehow I missed this post! Can't wait to see how the burda designer pattern turns out!

  31. Great projects on your list, can't wait to see them done. And you know, house elves or not, I'm positive you'll finish them this year

  32. Olá,
    Vi agora os botoes são gírissimos!!!

  33. Sismada: São, mas custaram-me os olhos da cara! Quase 10 euros cada um!


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