A capa (post final) - The cape (final post)

Aqui têm, como prometido, o post final sobre a capa! Pouco mais há a acrescentar ao que disse nos posts anteriores mas gosto sempre de fazer um post que reúna apontadores para os passo-a-passo e que mostre alguns detalhes do acabamento.
As promised, here's the final post for the BWOF cape! I have little more to add to what I already wrote about it but I like the idea of a final post where I can link to all the tutorials and show you a few more interesting details.

Antes de prosseguir, algumas fotos do site www.style.com onde podem ver capas nos desfiles deste Outono:
Before proceeding, here are a few pictures from the Fall runway shows, all from www.style.com :

Alexandre Herchcovitch:
Elie Saab:
Emilio Pucci
Jens Laugesen
Karen Walker
Posts anteriores sobre a capa:
Previous posts addressing the cape:

Apresentação da capa/colete
Presenting the cape/vest

Bolsos com pestana
Single-welt pockets

Abertura por onde passa o cinto
How I made the belt slit

O forro e a gola
The lining and the collar

O virar da capa, fixar a gola e as costuras laterais
Turning the cape to the right side, securing the collar and closing the side seams

Mais alguns pormenores da capa:
A few more details:

A parte de baixo da gola:
The undercollar:
O botão interior que segura a vista quando a capa está abotoada até cima:
The inner button that secures the front inner edge when the cape is all buttoned up:
A fivela:
The buckle:
A capa forrada:
The lining on the cape:
A cava do colete por baixo da capa:
The vest's armhole inside the cape:
O interior do colete:
Inside the vest:
Conclusão: Um projecto trabalhoso mas concluído com sucesso! A capa é um item muito versátil e bastante na moda, uma óptima adição no meu guarda-roupa de Outono! Embora ultimamente o tempo seja escasso para escrever os passo-a-passo das roupas que vou costurando, por saber que muita gente estava a ter alguma dificuldade em perceber as instruções de confecção desta capa, resolvi tentar ajudar na medida do possível. Espero ter contribuído para clarificar alguns dos passos mais difíceis. Deixo-vos com mais algumas fotos da capa:
Conclusion: A very time-consuming project, yet a success! This cape is a very versatile and trendy item, a great addition to my Fall wardrobe! In spite of the lack of available time for updating my blog, I tried to explain what I believe are the difficult construction steps because I know that BWOF's instructions can be hard to understand without any pictures or drawings. I hope this series of articles where useful for breaking down the construction of this cape. I leave you with a couple more views:
Boas Costuras!
Happy Sewing!


  1. Tany, this really is a spectacular garment. And I love the way you are wearing it with the yellow - tres chic!

  2. this coat in black,, on point, I will love to see a winter white version too, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone will do it.. yours is gorgeous, of course and cute hat,,, very funky

  3. Perfect! I love the bright yellow with the black, too.

    BTW, your new blog banner photo is gorgeous! You probably changed it eons ago, but I just noticed that luscious red rose.

  4. Olá Tany, adorei o resultado no corpo ficou linda sua capa mas um ótimo trabalho valeu a pena todo o seu esforço.

  5. So chic! Wow. And the yellow accents make the look so sharp.

  6. Tany, that is gorgeous! I love the plaid facing!

  7. Tany, what a great cape. Love your detailed work and the under collar fabric is such a special detail. Think that your tutorials are very helpful to those wanting to make this .

  8. i fear i can't bow as deep as i feel i need to... this is AWESOME!

  9. Tany, this is beautiful, it looks so good on you, better than on those models from the runway. My only frustration is that I cannot see your face :) but you might have reasons for that so I don't insist. It's just that I feel that I know you, still I don't know your face.
    The yellow hat is gorgeous too, I bet you knitted that, didn't you?

  10. Wow, Tany - this is absolutely wonderful! You look great in it and I also love the combination with the yellow accessoires. You have such a good feeling fot style!
    greetings from switzerland,

  11. Ok, first please stop cutting your head off the photos! We want to see the whole beautiful you! That cape is awesome. The plaid undercollar is a perfect touch and Summerset is right, it looks great with the orange.

  12. It is so beutiful and your hat sets it off perfectly. I am so amazed by how incredibly chic you are!

  13. Thank you all for the compliments!!

    I hate the headless photos as much as you all do... But believe me, I have my reasons... So please forgive me for not including my face. I wouldn't mind sharing photos with you but this is a public space and I can't help myself being over cautious.

    The yellow hat wasn't made by me... I bought it at Mango, along with the yellow knit dress and a matching yellow bag :o)

  14. Tany, your cape looks absolutely amazing!!
    We all have different relationships with the Internet and our public lives are all very different too. So I completely understand your wish to remain anonymous.

    I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your email yet... This week has been crazy - we're looking for a new flat on top of everything else!!
    Big hugs to you! :)

  15. You wear it soooo well! Thanks for the extra pictures and details!

  16. Your cape is beautiful. I think it has wonderful detail, and the buckle is perfect. Did you hand knit the orange cap? I really like it too.

  17. Hi Tcusic, thanks and welcome to Couture et Tricot! I didn't hand knit the cap but I could have though. I hand knitted several berets in the past, very similar to this cap. I bought it at Mango, it's part of the Penelope Cruz collection for Mango. I'm glad you liked it!

    Thanks again to all for the compliments! Your feedback is very important to me!

  18. Ficou-te muito bem! Mais um trabalho bem conseguido. Espero que tenhas descansado muito nestas "férias".




  20. WOW! I want one of my own now.. now only to find that issue somewhere. GREAT job.

  21. Thank you YaiAnn and welcome to Couture et Tricot!

  22. Tany--that's a wonderful jacket; you've sold me on it (I wasn't sure I liked it 100% from some of the BWOF photos-well, the tan one anyway). I'm curious: do you think it could be made in a medium weight, sort of loosely woven (i.e. not tight like a twill) wool flannel? I'm really tempted to make a brown plaid version (if that wouldn't make me look too much like Basil Rathbone being Sherlock Holmes! :) ).

    Also: the blue Mouret dress is really gorgeous btw (sorry I'm so late catching up on everything)--I just had to tell you. That's the first version of this dress I've seen that I really liked. The style, the color/fabric, and you all seem to be the perfect match--excellent work!

    And thanks for posting about Mrs. Stylebook; it's interesting to see what those patterns are like and what it takes to work with them.

  23. Hi Lisa! Thank you! I understand completely that you're overloaded with work, don’t worry about it; I've been crazy trying to keep up with a blogroll of more than a hundred blogs... You are always welcome and I'm glad to have you here.
    I think the cape would turn out great if you use the loosely woven plaid fabric; the taffeta I used is very soft too; I would advise you on interfacing the entire inner vest though. I think a plaid cape would be an interesting variation from the solids that have been made so far! And plaids are so much fun! I’ve been trying to find a plaid that I’d like but no luck until now…

  24. I know what you mean about plaids--it's hard to find good ones, like the ones you see on the runway. Most of the plaids they sell to us are sort of icky--in my opinion anyway.

    Thanks for the answer and advice!

  25. wow the cape came out wonderfully. I love the plaid addition!

  26. Thank you Mozilla and welcome to Couture et Tricot!


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