Conjunto Preto: finalmente! – The Black Ensemble: finally!

Caras amigas, primeiro tenho que vos pedir desculpa pela demora (problemas de hardware, estive o fim-de-semana todo sem portátil e tive sorte em não ter perdido toda a informação do disco).
Dear sewing friends, first let me apologise for taking so long to write this review (hardware problems with my laptop caused this; I was without being able to connect during the whole weekend and I was lucky for saving all the data in the hard disk).

Agora, sem mais demora, o conjunto preto:
Without further delay, here it is:
Trata-se de um conjunto blusa-calção, de tafetá enrugado preto, pespontado a branco pérola, e a blusa tem umas tiras de amarrar de organza de seda, também pespontadas, além de uns bordados nas costuras verticais na frente. No total demorou cerca de 47 horas a fazer e deixou-me extensamente satisfeita com o resultado! As peças podem usar-se separadas para um look mais casual e funcionam muito bem juntas para um look mais sofisticado.
This is a matching blouse and shorts ensemble, made from wrinkled black taffeta with seashell white topstitching; the blouse has silk organza ties (also topstitched) and two embroidered seams on the front. It took about 47 hours to finish and I was very pleased with the final result! Both garments can be used separately for a more casual look or together for a sophisticated look.

Podem ver a apresentação dos modelos aqui.
See the model's presentation here.

Quanto à explicação de técnicas, pare este conjunto podem consultar os seguintes artigos:
As for the addressed techniques during the making of this ensemble, you can refer to the following articles in this blog:

O molde da blusa e a marcação das casas de botão
The blouse pattern and the buttonhole placement

Marcação com alinhavos: Parte 1, Parte 2 e Parte 3
Thread tracing: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

Forrar a frente dos calções
Underlining the city shorts front panels

A blusa: as costuras e as tiras de amarrar
The blouse: the seams and the ties

Casas metidas (um método)
Bound buttonholes (one method)

A blusa está feita!
The blouse is done!

A blusa: mais alguns detalhes
The blouse: a few more details

Os calções: os vincos e as costuras
The city shorts: creases and seams

Fecho com carcela: Parte 1 e Parte 2
Fly front zipper: Part 1 and Part 2

A costura do cós atrás
The back crotch seam

As vistas da cintura e as virolas dos calções
The waist facings and the leg cuffs

Aqui têm a vista de trás:
This is the back view:
Conclusão: um projecto desafiante e demorado mas que foi concluído com sucesso (na minha opinião). Gostei de costurar este conjunto e pude por à prova mais umas funcionalidades da minha máquina nova! A blusa não precisou de qualquer ajuste de prova, serviu à primeira e os calções também não levaram qualquer ajuste pois usei um molde que já tinha experimentado para fazer umas calças. O tecido que usei tem a desvantagem de modificar a sua textura quando entretelado com entretela termo-colante mas o problema pode ser contornado. Tive a oportunidade de usar neste projecto mais uma vez a organza de seda, tanto para fins decorativos como para a construção interna (forro das frentes dos calções, entretela das vistas e da gola da blusa, guarnição das cavas).
Conclusion: this was a defying and time-consuming project but all the time and effort paid in the end. I enjoyed sewing this black ensemble and having the chance to experiment a little more with my new sewing machine! The blouse pattern didn’t take any additional fitting adjustment, it fits wonderfully well and the city shorts were also a TNT pattern since I’ve used this pattern in the past with great results. The fabric was not suitable for fusing but that problem was easily overtaken. I had the opportunity to use silk organza once more, to only as decorative effect but as inner construction structure, using it as non-fusible interfacing, underlining and as binding for the armhole seams.

Espero que tenham gostado de acompanhar este projecto comigo! Até breve!
I hope you all have enjoyed accompanying me in the making of this project! See you soon!


  1. Your outfit looks WONDERFUL Tany!!!!! You did an outstanding job!

  2. Fantastic! I love the fit and polish of the whole ensemble. Nicely done, even if it was time consuming.

  3. Absolutely lovely! Perfect fit and perfect construction and those SHOES - LOVE them!

  4. Olá Tany, achei que ficou lindo caiu muito bem em você parabéns por mais uma peça que ficou perfeita.


  6. Tany, you and your new outfit look fabulous, even with a matching pair of shoes. Congrats!

  7. Oi, Tany! Você ficou linda com o conjunto! Parabéns! Beijos!
    Rita Angélica

  8. Tany - that outfit is gorgeous. It fits you perfectly and it is so stylish. Bravo!!

  9. Adorei acompanhar o processo deste conjunto! O que gostei mesmo foi do resultado! Muitos Parabéns! Está LINDO!!!

    Chuana :)

  10. this is awesome- again!
    though you might not know, i've read along every step and enjoyed your pictures of the making.
    the outcome is even better.
    just: WOW!

  11. Fabulous, Tany! You've got a real classy outfit there. Thanks for sharing all the steps with us.

  12. Outstanding! It turned out wonderfully, I enjoyed watching you make this one.

  13. Tany. Girl. First you wear those fierce shoes from your birthdy, then you go and make shorts look just sizzling hot. Wow.

  14. Wow Tany, this is fabulous!! Your ensemble looks great on you, so chic. Congratulations on completing yet another perfectionist's project. Big hugs!

  15. Yep... another gorgeous outfit!

  16. awesome work Tany, and the shoes really looks HOT with that suit, it looks like it fits perfect
    and I got that book on linings today also..

  17. Oh wow it turned out fabulous!!!! Thanks for all the details as usual :)

  18. Tany, fantastic job! You look absolutely stunning!

  19. Beautiful! And you always have the best shoes!

  20. Wow! What a beautiful outfit. The fit is stunning. You look GREAT!

  21. Tany, a great outfit. I love the shining fabric and the shoes. Nad thanks again for all the construction details. I really love your blog!

  22. What a great outfit, Tany! Trendy, too! It was definitely worth it the hard work. Once again, I admire your meticulous care for details and your workmanship.

  23. Ficou muito melhor do que poderia imaginar. O modelo favorece-te imenso e assenta que nem uma luva. Muitos parabéns por mais uma confecção tão boa. Agora o merecido descanso. Boas férias.



  24. Stunning outfit. You are right, the effort was well worth it. It is because of all your attention to details that really makes this outfit so gorgeous. I enjoyed every minute of your project.

  25. O meu Muito Obrigada a todas!
    Many thanks to all of you!

    Tamara: Thanks and welcome to Couture et Tricot!

  26. Bravo Tany! That is an outfit you can wear with pride. The whole, with the shoes, (wow!) is runway worthy. Sassy and sophisticated.
    So glad you got your computer back up and running.

  27. Each piece is fabulous and together they are stunning. Thanks for sharing the process with us!

  28. Sim, senhor, finalmente acabado e com a dona a exibir o seu modelito, que de "modelito" não tem nada, é realmente um grande resultado de todos os passos, paciência e sabedoria, muitos parabéns.


  29. This is just stunning - fit and finish are wonderful and the whole ensemble so stylish! I do admire your precision and finish - you are a great inspiration

  30. Tany,

    Your outfit looks fabulous. It was time well spent. As luck would have it, I was making capris with front fly and facing (first fly ever) and was truly lost as to how to fit it all together. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your pictures and instructions. They were most helpful. I was waiting like a little kid for Santa when I saw you were going to post this soon. Checking your blog 4 or more times a day to see the part 2 posted. Then finally success! My first ever fly with facing came out looking quite good, near perfect. Thanks again and I enjoy reading your blog.


    Anne Frances and CD I welcome you both to Couture et Tricot!

    CD: You made my day, thank you! I'm so glad that my blog is helping and motivating others to sew! You see, I don't consider myself a big authority on sewing, I'm just a girl who loves to sew and finally got the chance of sharing and meeting others who share the same interest! I try to do my best and most of all I try to explain what I've been learning. And I'm learning along the way too!

  32. Truly gorgeous outfit. You do such an excellent job. And you are wearing the shoes I truly love!

  33. Tany, Your outfit is gorgeous! I truly appreciate all of your details and the knowledge you share on your blog. You are definitely one of my favorite reads!

    Oh, and the shoes! WOW!!


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