Conjunto Primavera #1 – Spring set #1

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Finalmente as fotos do meu primeiro conjunto para a Primavera de 2009 (desculpem o meu fotógrafo que não repara se tudo está direito, como os colares; a gabardina também não é tão brilhante, o efeito é provocado pelo flash):

O conjunto é composto pela gabardine lavanda, blusa rosa com folho na manga e calças boca-de-sino brancas.

Obrigada por todos os comentários que têm deixado e desculpem se me esqueci de responder a alguém… Cada vez é mais difícil arranjar tempo disponível e com tudo o que tenho na cabeça é possível que deixe passar algumas coisas inadvertidamente. Espero que estejam a ter um bom fim-de-semana!

Without further ado, here are the pictures of my first spring garment set for 2009 (excuse my photographer who is unable to notice if everything is correctly in place, like a necklace; also note that the trench coat is not that shiny, it’s just the effect created by the flashlight):

In this set there’s the lavender trench coat, the pink blouse with sleeve ruffle and the boot-cut white pants.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and forgive me if I forgot to answer to any of your questions; I find it increasingly more difficult to find the time for my blogging activity and my mind has been so busy with other things in life… I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Tany, every outfit looks wonderful. The colors are absolutely awesome. I love all the pieces. I know what you mean about being so busy....I finally finished "a" jacket but didn't have time to properly post it. Hopefully today! Have a great week :)

  2. These outfits are so beautiful, and each piece goes together so well! A really stylish collection.
    Tany, I just want to say that you have inspired me to knit again, which I have not done for so many years. I am using a beautiful, silk an cotton mix and thoroughly enjoying the process, so thank you!
    Mary Anne (Scotland)

  3. Beautiful Tany! Everything looks wonderful on you.

  4. Beautiful outfit...I love the colors...and that scarf brings things together. Great ensemble

  5. Tany you are such a talented sewer.
    Please keep posting. This is selfish, but your blog means so much to me, and for so many sewers.

  6. My photographer is the same way, but at least he's free :) I am in *love* with this outfit! I didn't think I would like an outfit with all white & pastel colors but it really works.

  7. Você sempre nos enche os olhos e nos inspira!!!
    Amei o lenço com o casaco!
    A blusa linda, a calça também!
    Tudo sempre tão bonito!

  8. Stunning! I love the coat and the white pants!

  9. Stunning outfits, you have the best clothing and eye for putting garments together.

  10. Fabulous ensemble! The colors work beautifully together and it all looks wonderful on you.

  11. Hello, u show us everything together, u're so pretty!
    A good eye would see these clothes are so high sewing (sorry for my frenchy english, lol)!

    In fact, I'm so proud u came and comment so gently what u saw. Would like to sw as u do... read u soon dear!

  12. Que conjunto sensacional! Muito fresco e em cores suaves!
    Mais uma vez, optima escolha de acessórios. Compõem todo o teu trabalho de costura!


  13. Beautiful Tany. I love the colours. Very spring.

  14. Your pieces are impeccable as usual. Isn't it great that it's finally time to wear spring clothes!

  15. What a beautiful spring ensemble. That trench is just T. D. F.!!

  16. Thanks for taking the time to photograph the outfit and sharing with us. It looks very springlike. Lovely.

  17. You`re like a breath of fresh spring air! Gorgeous as usual.

  18. That outfit is simply divine!!! The colors look fabulous on you.

  19. Fabulous garments. The trench is to die for! Your necklace--could be a new fashion statement!

  20. I love the colours you have chosen and each piece looks beautifully executed!

  21. Ola Querida
    Nao faz mal o fotografo esta perdoado,ele captou a essencia da foto,estas guapa hehehe!!!
    o conjunto num todo esta perfeito, a harmonia das cores e a confecçao como sempre.
    Ha muito que nao ouvia e lia a palavra(INADVERTIDAMENTE)
    algumas palavras estao a cair no esquecimento,por estar tanto tempo sem as ouvir,o teu blog ajuda me a manter alguns terminos,as vezes paso por aqui para ler as tuas postagens antigas,escreves muito bem amiga,gracias.
    boa semana

  22. Wonderful combinations. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Definitely spring - soft, pretty but nicely tailored, too!

  24. Adorei o conjunto, mas especialmente a gabardine, é linda!
    Fica-te tudo muito bem!



  25. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful spring colors.

  26. Very spring-like - really like the colour combination.

  27. que lindo! adoro a cor e o tecido brilhante!

  28. Tany, el conjunto al completo se ve fantástico. Es el atuendo perfecto para el trabajo, y para muchas cosas más. gracias por las fotos.


  29. What an amazing set, my friend. I love the colourway and the style! Well done.

  30. Gorgeous! All these pieces look wonderful on you and they are all versatile enough to wear separately too.

  31. I love how all of these pieces work so wonderfully together!

  32. What a brillant out fit ! I love those feminine and lively colours. Gorgeous on you !

  33. oi Tany, adorei seu blog, sou brasileira e como vc adoro costurar para mim mesma...

  34. Simply beautiful! I love the draped top. It's very stylish, and yet very chic--elegant.


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