So Chic Box Théo Le308 (sage green/cream chevron woolen fabric) and bonus Kimono top Le500

EN Summary: Today I have to show you the end result of another So Chic Box, the Théo pants  version sage green/cream chevron woolen fabric; the fabric included in the kit was enough to cut an additional top from it. Keep reading the full article.
PT Sumário: Hoje tenho para vos mostrar o resultado final de mais uma So Chic Box, as calças Théo na versão sarja de lã espinhada em tons verde-água e creme; o tecido incluído no kit foi ainda suficiente para cortar um top kimono de manga curta. Continuema ler o artigo completo.

EN: This So Chic Box is still available from Hamon Paris (here). I had purchased it back in January and finally got around to make it. I cut size 42 and with a bit of cutting layout engineering, I was able to use the remnant fabric to cut a short-sleeve kimono top matching the pants. I had made this Le308/Le500 combo before (click here to see more details of the top and pants) but this time I made version a of the top.
PT: Comprei esta So Chic Box em Janeiro e finalmente tive oportunidade de a costurar (este kit ainda está disponível na Hamon Paris aqui). Cortei o tamanho 42 e com um pouco de "ginástica" no plano de corte, ainda consegui cortar um top kimono de manga curta do tecido que sobrou. Já tinha feito um cojunto usando ambos os moldes Le308 e Le500 (podem ver mais detalhes do conjunto aqui), mas desta vez fiz a versão a do top.

EN: I also cut size 42 for the top; version a has a plain round neckline finished with neckline facing and no lining, and the facings are top-stitched.
PT: Também cortei o tamanho 42 para o top; a versão a tem um decote redondo simples, com acabamento com vista/guarnição interior e não leva forro; as vistas/guarnições levam um pesponto decorativo.

EN: The instructions in the kits are in French (no problem for me), yet the printed pattern has indications in both French and English.
PT: As instruções nestes kits vêm em Francês (o que não é problema para mim), mas o molde em papel traz indicações em Francês e Inglês.
EN: Here's the fabric specs/yardage in meters in the kit; all fabrics are 60 inch wide. The kit also includes matching color thread, the invisible zipper, fusible interfacing and stabilizing fusible tape.
PT: Aqui têm a composição e a metragem dos tecidos incluídos no kit (todos os tecidos têm 1,5m de largura). O kit também incluí linha na cor do tecido, o fecho invisível, entretela de colar a ferro e fita estabilizadora de colar a ferro.
EN: Here's a close-up of the fabric:
PT: Podem ver o tecido em detalhe:
EN: Here's how the ensemble looks seen from the side; the pants fit me quite well without alterations and are quite flattering in my opinion. The top is also quite flattering (hiding a protruding belly, if it is the case), takes a small yardage to make and matches the style of the pants perfectly.
PT: Podem ver o conjunto de lado; as calças assentam-me na perfeição sem qualquer alteração e são muito favorecedoras na minha opinião. O top também favorece bastante (esconde a barriginha, se a houver) e leva muito pouco tecido. Além disso conjuga perfeitamente com o modelo das calças.

EN: Here's the back single-welt pocket detail:
PT: Aqui têm o bolso avivado com pestana atrás:
EN: The side ties are also a nice touch; some of the Théo kits come with ribbon to make the ties, but not this one; the ties were made of self-fabric strips, sewn with longer edges together and turned to the right side with a loop-turner.
PT: Os atilhos de lado dão um toque especial. Alguns dos kits Théo incluem fita para fazer estes atilhos, mas este não; os atilhos são confecionados com tiras do tecido, cosidas e voltadas para o direito:
EN: Here's the invisible zipper on the back of the top:
PT: O top fecha no decote atrás com um fecho invisível:
EN: I think the ensemble turned out really well and I have yet another Théo kit in my stash, the turquoise green  version released more recently (hoping there's enough fabric for a matching top as well!). I have fallen behind on posting my makes here on the blog but I'll be trying to catch up in the next few days... If you guys want to keep up to date, you can follow me on Instagram (here) where I post photos of what I'm making on the go. This ensemble was finished on the 26th of May and since then I've managed to sew another two So Chic Boxes! I have plenty of them to sew since I've been collecting them since Christmas, lol!
Thank you so much for joining in and for the lovely comments on my last post!
PT: Creio que o conjunto ficou mesmo bem e tenho ainda mais um kit Théo para fazer (a versão em verde turquesa; espero que também sobre tecido para um top!). Estou um pouco atrasada a mostrar o que tenho feito aqui no blogue, mas vou tentar recuperar o tempo perdido nos próximos dias. Se quiserem estar mais atualizados, podem seguir-me no Instagram (aqui), onde costumo postar fotos das minhas costuras praticamente em tempo real. Este conjunto foi terminado em 26 de Maio, e desde aí já confecionei mais duas So Chic Box! Tenho muitas, pois tenho-as colecionado desde o Natal, ahaha!
Obrigada a todos por aparecerem e pelos simpáticos comentários no meu último post!


  1. Beautiful ! Thank you for sharing !

  2. A beautiful ensemble ; sharp and classic. Fabric is beautiful and your skills are top notch. Pants that fit without alteration? Every seamstress's dream! Thanks for posting.

  3. I love these kits. The pants are gorgeous and they look great with the kimono top.

  4. So beautifully done! And quite a unique pair of pants. Those small details really matter.

  5. Love your posts! I have been buying DO Studio patterns as well, but sometimes have difficulty with the instructions. One quick question - can you recommend a good tutorial for invisible zippers? They totally intimidate me!

  6. Hi Deborah. thanks for your lovely comment! Regarding the invisible zipper installation tutorial, I've tried several methods and in my opinion, it all comes to accuracy and practice. there are two thing I do, whatever the method used: 1 - interface the seams where the zipper is to be installed (using sheer interfacing strips or special purpose fusible tape); 2 - always hand-baste the zipper in place first, to check it is well aligned and to avoid distortion while machine sewing it later. You can use a special purpose foot for invisible zippers (I've been using one lately) or a flat regular zipper foot (in this last case you'll have to gently press the coils of the zipper open before stitching it). The sewing Divas published a great tutorial years ago:
    Remember, whatever method you use, it all comes down to practice. Keep practicing and you'll get better at it. Don't be afraid to un-stitch and start all over again too, if the final result doesn't please you. Good luck!


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