February BurdaStyle favorites – Modelos favoritos da BurdaStyle de Fevereiro

Yesterday I bought both the February BurdaStyle and the current issue of Burda Tricot; I was pleasantly surprised by the content of these magazines, and today decided to share my favorites from the BurdaStyle issue (I also tried to find pictures of the models featured in Burda Tricot but I couldn’t find a complete list of model pictures from which I could chose my favorites; I might just take a few shots of the magazine myself and write a separate favorite list later).
Ontem comprei a revista BurdaStyle de Fevereiro e o número corrente da Burda Tricot; fiquei agradavelmente surpreendida por ambas as revistas e hoje achei por bem publicar a minha lista de modelos favoritos da BurdaStyle (tentei também achar uma lista completa de fotos dos modelos da Burda Tricot de onde pudesse selecionar os meus favoritos, mas até agora não tive sucesso; talvez tire algumas fotos da revista para vos mostrar mais tarde).

This is my favorite model (there’s also a top version below); I went fabric shopping today and found some boucle fabric that I find suitable to make the dress: 
Este é o meu modelo favorito da revista (também tem a versão top mais abaixo); hoje fui comprar tecidos e encontrei um bouclé que me parece ideal para fazer este vestido:

There are also a few more dresses that I think have potential: 
Há mais alguns modelos de vestidos com potencial, na minha opinião:

I like this outfit very much; I’d sew it using the same fabric/color choices:
Gosto muito deste conjunto, se o fizesse usaria exatamente os mesmos tecidos e cores:

This top also caught my eye; the style lines are very trendy, IMO:
Esta blusa também me agradou, tem um design muito em voga na minha opinião:

There are more patterns that I could use, but these were the ones that appealed the most to me at a first glance. What about you, do you have any favorites?
Há mais moldes que poderei usar, mas estes foram os que me agradaram mais à primeira vista. E vocês, têm algum favorito?


  1. I received an email this morning from BurdaStyle and saw that red top with the wrap detail. so now I want it! very interesting. Now that I have started sewing a few Burda patterns I see so many possibilities!

  2. I like the red top too. I look forward to seeing the dress made up. For me, I think the style is too young but I can see it on you.

  3. I like the cover dress and top pattern too. I love the little gather around the sleeves. I have never heard of Burda Tricot... is it a knitting magazine.

  4. Summer Flies: Yes, it's a knitting magazine... I'm not sure if it's published outside Europe though

  5. Os modelos são super giros! como tu adoro o conjunto da camisola vermelha e saia branca.



  6. I'm very excited about the February issue also! I like your favorites and also 135.

  7. Hello Tany, I saw the twist neck top on the Burdastyle USA website. I have not yet seen the others on the site, so thanks for posting. That striped dress is so pretty. Stripes are trendy this season and that fabric is gorgeous.

  8. So glad I found your blog again. Somehow I lost you from my blogroll when I moved to bloglovin. I love the last dress you made.


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