Last couple of projects popping out the sewing studio – Acabadinhos de sair da sala de costura

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Colete de pelo BurdaStyle E993 (disponível para download aqui)

Este molde é um dos modelos da Burda Easy Fashion, que foi disponibilizado para download gratuito. Trata-se de um colete com recto, com gola levantada, em duas versões; a versão longa aperta na frente com 3 colchetes.

É bastante simples de realizar, e a única coisa que fiz foi melhorar um pouco o processo de construção descrito nas instruções. Entretelei a vista do decote e os valores de costura, aplicando-os tal como fiz no casaco de pelo bege (ver aqui). Um detalhe que me agradou neste molde foi a gola:

Outra coisa que fiz diferente foi fixar as orlas com forro com pequenos pontos atrás espaçados, depois de o coser o forro à máquina no colete. Este passo evita que as orlas revirem e o forro fique visível ao usar o colete:

Conclusão: A ideia para este colete nasceu do tecido com pelo, pois quando o vi não resisti à cor e resolvi comprar algum para fazer um colete. Sabia que tinha este molde e achei que seria o ideal. A única coisa que faria diferente seria acrescentar uns bolsos, que dão sempre jeito para proteger as mãos do frio!

Podem ver-me a usar o colete aqui.

Vestido de malha cinza (V8305 C)

Molde: Vogue 8305 opção C

Descrição: Top justo ou vestido pelo joelho tem gola subida atrás com sobreposição na frente, fecho (ziper) nas costas (omiti o fecho, não é necessário com este tecido) e mangas compridas.

Tracei o tamanho 12 e usei uma malha de peso médio (igual à que usei no vestido vermelho que fiz com o molde do Paco) que sendo bastante elástica, prescinde do fecho atrás (o vestido enfia-se perfeitamente bem pela cabeça). Quanto ao processo de construção, não apliquei as mangas como descrito nas instruções, antes cosi-as às cavas depois de terminar as costuras dos ombros e depois cosi as costuras laterais do vestido e costuras inferiores das mangas num único passo, o que faz mais sentido num tecido de malha.

Usei a corta-e-cose para rematar as orlas e quanto às bainhas cosi-as com o ponto elástico (ziguezague estreito e comprido), uma vez que a minha corta-e-cose está com um problema de afinação no ponto próprio para bainhas em tecidos de malha.

Conclusão: Gostei muito do resultado e provavelmente voltarei a usar este molde (entretanto já estou a fazer a versão A, que é um casaco). Mostrá-lo-ei no meu blogue de guarda-roupa logo que possível. Já me podem ver a usar o vestido aqui.

Ainda fiz um acessório, uma écharpe de napa, que podem ver aqui.

Fiquem bem e obrigada!

Green faux fur vest BurdaStyle E993 (available for download here)

This pattern is one of Burda Easy Fashion’s downloadable patterns (free). It’s a straight vest with stand-up collar that comes in two versions. The longer version which I made has three hook and eye closures along the front edge.

The vest is quite simple to make, and I only upgraded the instructions interfacing the collar, the hem allowances and reinforcing the armholes, just as I did on my previous fur jacket (click here for the detailed review). The detail that appealed to me on this model was the collar:

Another thing I did differently from the instructions was prick stitching the lining along the front and armhole edges, after sewing the lining to the vest by machine. This helps the lining stay in place and not shifting outwards while wearing the vest.

Conclusion: The idea for the vest was born when I saw this fabulous green colored faux fur. I didn’t have any garment of this color and now I have! If I was to make this vest again, the only thing I’d do differently would be adding in-seam side pockets.

You can see me wearing the vest here.

Grey knit dress (V8305 C)

Pattern: Vogue 8305 view C

Description: Fitted top or bellow mid-knee dress has raised back neckline, back zipper and long sleeves. I omitted the zipper because it’s not really necessary with this fabric.

I traced size 12 and used the same medium weight knit used for the red dress made from Paco’s pattern. This knit has a good amount of stretch so no need for the back zipper. As for the instructions, I didn’t follow them for setting in the sleeves. Instead I sewed the sleeves to the front and back joined at the shoulders and stitched the side seams and sleeve inner seams as a single step. This makes a lot more sense if sewing with knits.

I used the serger for seam treatment; the hems were stitched with a narrow/long zigzag (the elastic stitch) because my serger is having problems with the coverstitch.

Conclusion: I really love how the dress turned out and I’ll probably use this pattern again (in the meanwhile I’m also making version A, the jacket). Pictures of me wearing the dress will be published later on my wardrobe blog are published here.

I also made a pleather scarf, you can see it here.

Thanks you all so much for visiting!


  1. Great additions to your already fabulous wardrobe! I love the green fur vest and can't wait to see how you style it.

  2. Great dress. Looking forward to seeing you style it :)

  3. I cpompletely missed this fabulous dress on Vogue's site. I can't wait to see it modeled on your other blog

  4. wow I love that dress - could work for a top, you have inspired me to try it.

  5. The Vogue dress is fabulous. A must for my winter wardrobe! I love Tany a la mode BTW.

  6. Gostei do colete, mas o vestido apaixonou-me!



  7. Super chique!
    O engraçado é que na foto a gola parecia um pouco mais alta... Você a diminuiu?
    Parabéns mais uma vez.

  8. Míriam: Obrigada! Não diminui nem alterei a gola, é assim mesmo... Quando vc me viu a usar o colete no Tany et La Mode eu tinha um pin segurando o decote com as frentes sobrepostas, daí talvez parecer uma gola mais alta (assumindo que vc se refere ao colete verde, claro). Beijos

  9. I love the dress Tany , gorgeous .

  10. Those are some great pieces! I love the grey dress, and have a similar Vogue pattern. I almost made my red dress from that pattern, but am in the middle of a different Vogue now.

  11. I enjoy reading both your blogs and notice you work with many unusual fabric types. Do you find your sewing fabrics in Portugal? Or do you purchase during tavels. I ask for this information as I may be in Porto and Lisbon in the near future. I would be interested in fabric buying there, as what you sew with is much better than the selection where I live. Thank you.

  12. Sewsincere: Thanks! Some fabrics were found for me by my friends (Paco in Barcelona, Els in Holland, Summerset in the USA, just to state a few); I buy most of my tailoring fabrics from an eBay seller in the UK (, I also bought lots of fabrics when I went to Paris on vacation a couple of years ago and the remaining fabrics were all bought locally in Aveiro. I went fabric shopping in Oporto once, and they have a great selection and many fabric shops. I wrote a post about it:, you can use it as a reference. Thanks again for visiting and I wish you a pleasant stay in Portugal!

  13. Bem... que produção massiva! O vestido é muito chique mesmo.

    Adivinha onde é que tive no mês passado? Em Aveiro!!!


  14. Tany, Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my post, and for sharing the fabric info. Happy New Year!

  15. You have really been on a roll lately! I love that knit dress. I know it will look fabulous on you!

  16. That's a great dress! The simple grey fabric really lets the wrap-effect shine!

  17. The dress is awesome. I love it. How come that this pattern never reached my attention?! Thanks for pointing me to this pattern.

  18. Oh, I really love the dress Tany... I hadn't been aware of this pattern. That is very inspiring :)
    I hope all is well with you! Big hugs.

  19. Lindo adorei este seu vestido de malha, lhe caiu muito bem nas fotos.

  20. always sonice finitions, love this dress, hi dear: have an happy end of year in your new life

  21. I am in love with the gray dress! It is absolutely amazing...and thanks for adding the link to you wearing it because you are looking GOOD in that dress!

    Merry Christmas!

  22. The gray dress is fabulous! I have that pattern and really need to make it up. Once I get my sewing room together again I will have to add it to the list.

    The green vest looks like so much fun to wear, like a big smile.

  23. I'm completely amazed by this dress. I've had the pattern for some time, and made the jacket from it last year. Now I want to make the dress too. I'm thinking about using a ponte roma knit to make it up. Do you think it would be a good fabric choice for the dress???

  24. Faye Lews: Thanks! I think it could work fine; the ponte roma knit (I looked it up to find out what kind of fabric you're talking about) still has a fair amount of stretch righ? The fabric I used is a little softer perhaps.


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