Vestido Paul Smith: concluído - Paul Smith Dress: finished

Modelo original: Patrones n253 (Fev2007), Modelo #21: Vestido Paul Smith. Para descrição do modelo e esquemático, clicar aqui.
Original model: Patrones n253 (Feb2007), Model #21: Paul Smith Dress. Click here for full description and line drawing.


-Tecido estampado Cadena, 97% algodão 3%elastano: 1,10m
- Cadena’s printed fabric 97% cotton 3%elastan: 1,10m
- Forro: 1,00m
- Lining: 1,00m
- Entretela não tecida fina: 0,4m
- Thin non-woven interfacing: 0,40m
- Renda para bainha do vestido: 1,35m
- Lace for finishing the hem on the dress: 1,35m
- Renda para bainha do forro: 1,35m
- Lace for the lining hem: 1,35m
- Molas de pressão: 2
- Snaps : 2
- Resto de fita de algodão
- small piece of cotton tape
- Fecho invisível de 60cm.
- 0,60m invisible zipper

Técnicas especiais: Traçado do molde e Confecção das vistas.
Special techniques: Tracing the pattern and Sewing shaped facings.

Acabamentos no interior do vestido:
The inner story:

O vestido é completamente forrado e o forro é cosido à mão às vistas e à fita do fecho atrás:
This dress is fully lined and the lining is hand sewn to the facings and zipper tape on the back:

Aplicação de renda na bainha do forro (cosida à máquina):
The lining hem (lace is machine stitched to the lining):
Aplicação de renda no acabamento da bainha (a bainha e a renda são cosidas à mão):
Finishing on the hem of the dress (both hem and lace are handstitched):
Tiras para prender a alça do soutien nos ombros:
Bra strap holders on the shoulders:
Acabamento da abertura e etiqueta bordada à máquina:
Zipper/facing finishing and machine embroidered label:
Conclusão: Este vestido foi simples e rápido de fazer (pelo menos para mim!): demorei uma semana. É um modelo que penso adequar-se bem a este tecido pela sua simplicidade e estilo retro e foi possível executá-lo com apenas 1,10m de tecido. O resultado final lembra os vestidos que se usaram nos anos 60! Não precisei de fazer qualquer alteração ao molde e estou a pensar utilizá-lo de novo com outro tecido pois gosto mesmo das linhas e da forma como assenta.
Conclusion: This dress was simple and quick to pull through (At least for me!): I took one week to finish it. The model is adequate for this fabric for its simplicity and retro style; 1,10m of fabric is barely enough to make this dress. The final result reminds me those dresses worn in the 60's! I didn't make any alteration/adjustment to the pattern and I plan to use it again in the future because this dress fits me like a glove!

Mais fotos:
More pictures:

Se amanhã estiver bom tempo, vou usar o vestido para o trabalho! Até à próxima!
If the weather plays along with me, I'll be wearing this dress to work tomorrow! See you!


  1. Another wonderful dress! I love all the special touches you did to the inside of this one.

  2. Looks wonderful Tany! Love the lining!!! Another great job!

  3. I found your blog yesterday and started browsing through your past entries. Great work! I love the bra strap holders and the lace hem on your last dress.

  4. Wonderful dress, Tany, all your special touches are just bonuses for us. Also, thanks for all the information your provide.

  5. Tany, forgot to mention that the lining looks gorgeous. How long did it take you to hand-sew it?

  6. Tany the dress looks great! You can put an outfit together so fast! I must learn to sew faster.

  7. Tany,
    That dress is gorgeous and I'm in love with the lining. I'm making a shift dress for my SWAP and I am book marking your post for this one.

  8. As always.... simple but stylish. Really cute, Tany!

  9. Thanks ladies!!

    Anna: Welcome to Couture et Tricot! I took 2hours aprox. to hand sew the lining to the dress; the stitches are more or less 4mm apart. I could skip the lining for this dress because there is no see-through but I prefer to line it for comfort and durability. I could also skip the facings and just stabilize the lining on the neckline and shoulders but I like the edges better when there are facings, specially if they are understitched. Thank you for your comment!

  10. Beautiful dress:-)
    I like the facing+ lining options just as you did it, it feels more stabile and not to mention luxurious,beautiful work as always.

  11. Já?!?!?!?! Que rapidez! Bem o vestido é o maximo e assenta-te muito bem. Está mesmo na moda!



  12. Tany,
    this dress is so beautiful. And so 60´s.
    I love the inside details ! Great work!


  13. You look wonderful in your new dress! The fabric is so cute!

  14. I bow - Adorable... I love the details you've added with the lace - it's just perfect!

  15. An adorable dress. So simple, yet so elegant. Great job with the lining. Really looks great on you and I love the fabric.

  16. so fabulous
    I love the pattern of the fabric most of all, remember what we talked about?
    with a great fabric, you can totally rock those "3 hole" dresses, lol

  17. Que gira ficas assim retro ;o)

    Continuo a ficar impressionada com os pormenores que acrescentas a uma peça "simples" e ainda assim concluí-la tão rapidamente. Uau.


  18. It's beautiful on you. As usual, you've incorporated a lot of extra special details inside...very "couture." I hope it's nice and you're enjoying it today! (well, I guess I should say I hope you enjoy-ed it today!)

  19. You sew so fast and yet it is so well-made! well done (and I love the matching red shoes - very chic!)

  20. Muito Bonito! Gosto do corte deste vestido.

    Chuana :)

  21. Olá, acabei de encontrar seu blog...que interessante. Já o coloquei entre os favoritos.

  22. What a great dress! I liked the fabric immediately and this style although simple, really highlights the print. The finishing is perfect, and I'm sure makes a huge difference in wearing the dress.

    I hope you can wear it soon! I couldn't wear it here - it's rainy and 55F.

  23. A simple dress design but it stands out of the crowd due to the fabric you choose. Enjoy wearing this one and many more. It suits you.

  24. I really like the dress, so cute! I thought I would delurk to comment about it! I really enjoy reading your blog, and all the information you provide!

  25. Beautiful, as usual! Oh, how I LOVE the fabric! It is just perfect!

  26. Olá Tany, nossa amiga ficou muito charmoso o seu vestido realmente ficou muito bem em você eu com certeza usaria este molde pra fazer outro.
    Um beijo

  27. Gorgeous! It looks fab on you and I just love the matching shoes.

    A couple of questions if I may?
    The lining - was that stretch too? Or don't you mind losing the stretch factor of the dress fabric?
    And the tiny button on the inside of the zip - is that to minimize possible pull on the neckline and zip?

    Love the lace details and the hand stitched lining. You really do have some beautiful clothes! :))

  28. Obrigada a todas(os)! Thank you all!

    PaulAndre: Seja muito bem-vindo! Visitei o seu blog e adorei, vou acrescentar na minha lista de "Inspiração" no sidebar! Obrigada pelo seu comentário tão simpático!

    Alex: Thank you so much! Welcome to Couture et Tricot!

    Vicky: Thanks! The stretch factor on this fabric is minimal; the fabric is quite stable and stiff so I opted for a very lightweight and sheer lining that has no stretch factor. It works because this is not a very close fitting dress and this type of lining fabric is great for summery clothes. I got it from the local notions store and today I will try to get some more and I'll ask for its composition. Thanks again for commenting!

  29. Vicky: Answering to your second question: the button inside serves that purpose; I'm allergic to most metals and I used to sew a hook&eye to finish the zipper opening; I owe the idea of using the tiny button and the fabric loop to Diva Els; this way I avoid my allergic reaction to the hook&eye metal and I get a clean and neat finish on the zipper opening!

  30. Tany, all my emails to you are bouncing back as well! lol

  31. I've alway wondered what hem tape ws or how it worked. It looks amazing. The dress is just so pretty and fun!

  32. Your dress is stunning. The classic style coupled with the hot fabric gives it such class. I love this style dress and I am inspired now to add one to my wardrobe soon.

  33. Lindo! Lindo! Adoro a cor e o estampado e o modelo. E o pormenor da renda no forro. Mais uma vez fico abismada com a rapidez com que as coisas surgem feitas aí desse lado. Uma inspiração.

  34. Such a simple style, but this dress makes such a statement. Very nice :)

  35. Once again, I'm very late with my comments, but just wanted to tell you anyway that I love the dress. The fabric is perfect & it looks just great on!

  36. Tany,

    Your dress is so fun and trendy! Your finishing is flawless. Thanks so much for writing in english - I've learned so much from your blog!

  37. Tany , another great looking dress.Excellent special touches as well.Thank you for taking the time to share.

  38. Hi Judi, welcome to Couture et Tricot and thank you for visiting!

  39. Olá, fico lisonjeado. Então vamos sempre nos ver...sucessos sempre! =)

  40. Excellent dress!Love the fabric.And especially love how detailed your descriptions are.Great blog,I must learn a lot from you!Definitely friends in future!


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