Redemoínhos de organza - Organza swirls

Olá Amigas! Hoje consegui acabar de coser o primeiro redemoinho à mão e prender os restantes na numa das mangas:
Hi Friends! Today I managed to sew my first swirl on a sleeve and pin the others in place on the same sleeve:
É preciso planificar com cuidado a colocação dos tubinhos de organza; temos que imaginar a manga pregada, tendo em atenção que parte fica visível na frente. Deve-se manter um certo equilíbrio (é claro que isto também depende do gosto de cada um). Neste trabalho as aplicações vão ser simétricas, ou seja o lado direito da blusa vai espelhar o lado esquerdo. Assim sendo tenho que tomar atenção à marcação que identifica o lado da frente da manga e fazer as aplicações simétricas nas duas mangas.
The placement of the swirls should be carefully planed; you must imagine the sleeve on, minding the front and back views. The final result should be balanced and nice to the eye (it depends on personal taste, of course!). I decided to keep the symmetry between left and right sides so each side should mirror the other. To achieve this I must pay attention to the sleeve front notch, knowing at all times which are the front/back views on both sleeves and making the tube embellishment as symmetrical as possible on both.

Primeiro preguei os tubinhos com alfinetes no direito da manga. Tive cuidado para esconder a costura dos tubinhos:
First I pinned the bias tube to the sleeve, paying attention so the seam is hidden between the tube and the fabric:
Depois, do lado de avesso cosi à mão o tubinho à blusa, usando uma agulha muito fina e pontos atrás espaçados de 5mm. Tive cuidado para a linha não passar o tubo do lado direito mas sim por dentro deste, junto à costura do tubo:
Then I pickstitched the tube to the sleeve (stitches are 5mm apart) using a very thin needle. I was careful to avoid visible stitching on the right side; the needle should pass inside the bias tube and not through and through. I stitched exactly along the tube seam:

O aspecto do lado do avesso (quase não se vêm os pontos) depois de pronto:
This is how it looks on the wrong side after finishing all the (barely visible) handstitches:
E do lado direito:
And the right side:
Espero que estejam a gostar!
I hope you are enjoying this!


  1. Are you placing the tubes on just by eye or are you use a template to make sure that they're the same size, shape and that the lines are equidistant from each other? Just curious. With a sheer fabric it would be easy to see the template underneath.

    Maybe that's not the point - maybe it's more of a free-form art type of spiral?

    It's lovely nonetheless, and an lovely example of how a handworked embellishment can be elegant.

  2. Hi Summerset! I didn't think of that but you got a point! I'm doing it free-handed (just as I did for the first blouse) but I can take the pattern out to paper and turn it to the wrong side (so it becomes symetrical) and use it for the other sleeve! Thanks! ;)

  3. I am enjoying it...though I bet you are enjoying it more! It's lovely. How did you ever know how much tubing to make?

  4. OMG! WOW! this is fantastically amazing Tany!!!

  5. Spot on Tany! Phyllis

  6. I got just one word - WOW! Can't wait to see more!

  7. Tany, this is incredible! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks ladies! Thank you for your visit and supportive words! They mean a LOT to me!

    Dawn: You're right, I'm enjoying every bit! I had my first blouse as an example; I wanted to make fuller swirls on this one so I made the same number of tubes, the longer the fabric would allow (full extension of bias fabric). I was planning to make 3 even swirls on each sleeve (just like in teh first blouse) but with these long tubes that wasn't possible so I came out with this "alternative" design, I'm glad you all like it!

  9. This is so beautiful ! I can´t wait to see the sleeves set in !
    I can also imagine a layered skirt with this nice tubes on it !

  10. Ficou muito giro! Nem se nota os pontos, mesmo do lado do avesso. Parabéns!



  11. Yes, Tany, we sure are enjoying this! You are doing a fantastic job, once more! Hugs :)

  12. Está tão bonito! E cosido à mão com pontos invisiveis torna a tua blusa ainda mais bonita e especial!
    Fico à espera de ver o resultado final!

  13. That is too fabulous! Can't wait to see the final project.

  14. perfect,imagino vai ficar lindo.

  15. Katrin: That idea crossed my mind too ;)! Need to get more red silk organza though!

  16. loving it!!! Did you happen to see Claudine's blog entry with bias tube spirals on her skirt?
    I'm thinking it's time to make some bias tubes.
    You inspire me Tany.

  17. Marji Yes I did! Her skirt is wonderful, very inspiring! I linked to her blog on a previous post about the bias tubing apliquee!


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