Burda de Junho com malhas! - June BWOF features hand knits!

Amigas tricotadeiras vejam isto (imagens cortesia do site Burdamode.com):
Knitting Friends, check these out (images are courtesy of Burdamode.com):

Se não acreditam vejam a antevisão da revista de Junho:
If you don't believe me, click on the next issue preview:


No número de Maio também incluíram umas malhas fantásticas, para não falar num casaquinho de croché que tomei a liberdade de fotografar:
On the May issue they already included some great hand knit models and this fabulous crochet top:
Será que agora as amigas tricotadeiras também vão começar a comprar a Burda e, quem sabe, a tentar a costura?
Is there a chance that my knitting friends also start to purchase BWOF and, who knows, maybe try out some sewing?


  1. Yes, I saw those, and realized I hadn't knitted something in a while!

  2. WOW, now this I JUST MIGHT be interested in.....hmmmmmmm

  3. Hi Tany,
    would you mind changing the link to my blog in your sidebar? I used to be Tigerlounge, but my new blog is 4-sisters.blogspot.com



  4. Caroline It's done! I'm glad to have found your site again!

  5. Que coisas lindas! Já me estou a babar! Eu tenciono começar a costurar, mas falta-me a coragem e a disponibilidade...

  6. Is that bottom pic a crochet pattern in the May Burda? I have the issue but haven't been able to look at it yet. I love that sweater! The June issue is looking really interesting, too.

  7. Laura: Como em tudo, dar o primeiro passo é sempre difícil... Se começares, inicia com coisas simples primeiro; lembro-me de ter começado com um saco de pão, que depois trabalhei com beiras em croché. A vontade de fazer mais vai crescendo com o tempo e à nedida que se ganha confiança! Beijinhos e obrigada pelo comentário!

    Crystal Yes it is! And there are more knit patterns in the May issue, you will love it!

  8. It's the first time I've purchased a BWOF for a looooong time, and it was exactly because of this jacket.
    Just searching for the right yarn to start with.
    Can't wait to see your version! :)

  9. Que coisas lindas e que paciencia.
    Eu e a costura não nos entedemos, eu sei a teoria toda,inclusivamente consigo cortar modelos simples sem molde, depois quando passa à prática, à parte da confecção propriamente dita, sou muito descuidada e já desisti. Mas a verdade é que os seus trabalhos devem ficar lindissimos e perfeitos.

  10. Gostei do que vi! Fiquei foi admirada por a Burda não trazer modelos de tricô. Lembro-me das muitas revistas da minha mãe, que traziam sempre modelos para tricotar.
    Quanto a eu me lançar na costura, até gostava, mas mais para fazer patchwork e quilts. Isto, claro, se eu tivesse jeito, o que não tenho..:)

  11. Bem, nunca me passou pela ideia! Já estou com vontade de comprar! Vamos a ver! Quanto á costura, só em coisas pequenas, não etnho muita paciencia para a costura!



  12. very exciting. just two weeks ago I subscribed, but have yet to receive an issue. now I CAN'T wait!

  13. Wow - Thank you for heads-up about the hand knits in the upcoming issue. I must get my hands on that one!

  14. I've only recently found out that the BurdaWOF in English doesn't contain all the content in the German issues. I'm seriously hoping that the Eng version contains the knit patterns. I own a German version - but that won't help me with the knit patterns ;) - language required for translation.

    I'm loving the white knits, and hope to get some knitting done again soon.
    Tany, have you seen the Calla pattern? I'm thinking it's a summer top that you will really like.

    next: did I miss your PR review of the trench coat while I was gone?

  15. Marji Hi!!
    I hope the English BWOF includes these patterns, they are so wonderful! I went googling the Calla pattern is it http://www.magknits.com/Apr06/patterns/calla.htm ? If so, I love it and I bookmarked it for future reference! Thank you! You didn't miss my trenchcoat review, I didn't make it (yet). Being a non native English speaker I don't feel confortable writing reviews without depending largely on the content in my blog; pictures are a big issue here because they speak for myself. I'm giving it some time to think If I will continue to review my patterns there or not because I don't feel confortable with the new rules, but I still support PR and I visit whenever I can!

  16. Tany the knits look fab.Burda WOF has traditionally featured knitting patterns monthly for many years.
    I think the recent slew is because of Verena( the Burda stable knitting hiatus) is on a hiatus.


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