A 2nd version of DP Studio Le600, made from printed/embroidered cambric

EN Summary: I made another version of the DP Studio Le600 (see my first version + tutorial here). Read the full article on tanysewsandknits.blogspot.com.


PT Sumário: Fiz outra versão da blusa DP Studio Le 600 (podem ver a primeira versão e o passo-a-passo aqui). O artigo completo está em tanysewsandknits.blogspot.com.

EN: The fabric and notions all came from my stash (though I'm not completely sure about the buttons,... I may go out and purchase lighter ones). The pattern was traced and my mind was still fresh with the details of the first blouse, so this 2nd version was really quick and easy to make.


PT: O tecido e os materiais vieram todos do meu stock (embora não esteja segura quanto aos botões,... Acho que vou à retrosaria comprar uns mais claros). O molde estava pronto e a confeção da primeira versão ainda estava fresquinha na minha cabeça, por isso esta blusa foi realmente fácil e rápida de fazer.

EN: Here's a close-up of the cambric,... It's really beautiful.


PT: Aqui têm o detalhe da cambraia,... É realmente muito bonita.
EN: I can't get enough of this pleating effect! The sleeve looks terrific with the additional shoulder structure provided by the pleating:


PT: Não me farto de admirar o detalhe das pregas/machos! A manga fica mesmo muito bem com a estrutura adicional nos ombros que as pregas proporcionam:
EN: Here's the collar:


PT: Aqui têm o colarinho:
EN: Here's the collar on the back; the buttons came from a lot that was gifted to me by Paco so they carry extra value to me... They were the only buttons with stand that I had at home so I used them. Looking at the finished blouse makes me wonder if lighter buttons (or even self-fabric covered buttons) would be more appropriate.


PT: Aqui têm o colarinho atrás; os botões vieram de um lote que me foi oferecido pelo Paco, por isso têm um valor especial... Eram os únicos botões com pé que tinha em casa, por isso é que os usei. Vendo depois o resultado, creio que talvez botões mais claros ficassem melhor... Botões forrados com o mesmo tecido também é uma opção a considerar.
EN: This is it, hope you guys like my new blouse! Spring is definitely inspiring me at the moment so expect more spring themed garments soon! Thank you all for visiting and for the lovely comments!


PT: E é tudo, espero que tenham gostado! A Primavera já está de facto no centro das minhas atenções em termos criativos, por isso podem esperar em breve mais peças frescas e primaveris! Obrigada por aparecerem e pelos simpáticos comentários!


  1. Wow, this version is truly beautiful. The pink version is beautiful too. The pleating around the neckline is lovely. But it's the fabric that has me smitten with this version and I vote to keep the buttons. Your sewing is top notch as always!

  2. I agree with the lighter buttons idea. The blouse is a beautiful spring/summer confection but these buttons would look better on a fall/winter garment, the colour seems to heavy for this. Because of you I bought the DP Studio Book, I haven't had a chance to explore it too much but the patterns are so fascinating. Your sewing is always fantastic.

  3. Your beautiful fabric is ideal for this spring blouse! I'm undecided about the buttons being absolutely best too.

  4. Wow, I’m in love. The beautiful draping of the pleats is so unusual which makes it so current and one of kind couture. I agree, lighter buttons would be nice.


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