Style Muse: Miss Fisher (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)

EN Summary: Today I want to share a character that has caused a great impact on me style-wise: the Honorable Miss Phryne Fisher (a free spirit and private detective in the 20's) masterfully interpreted by actress Essie Davies. The style of this character has blown me away. Keep reading to see a compilation of Pinterest gathered photos of Mish Fisher's outfits. Enjoy!
PT Sumário: Hoje quero partilhar uma personagem que me causou um grande impacto em termos de inspiração e estilo: A Honorável Miss Pryne Fisher (um espírito livre e detetive privada nos anos 20), magistralmente interpretada pela atriz Essie Davies. O estilo desta personagem absorveu-me completamente. Continuem a ler para uma seleção de fotos dos looks da Miss Fisher, retiradas do Pinterest. Espero que gostem!

EN: Miss Fisher's style (which I believe was mainly inspired by Louise Brooks) is provided with a magnificent wardrobe of cloche hats and berets, long duster coats, wide leg trousers, kimono jackets, jewels, long scarves and furs. The colors and patterns are masterfully combined and her looks really touch perfection in my opinion.
PT: O estilo da Miss Fisher (o qual acredito ter sido essencialmente inspirado na Louise Brooks) contém um guarda-roupa impressionante enriquecido de chapéus e bóinas, casacos compridos e esvoaçantes, calças de perna larga, jaquetas kimono, jóias, écharpes e peles. As cores e os padrões são combinados com maestria conseguindo conjuntos que na minha opinião roçam a perfeição.

EN: The oriental theme is very present in Miss Fisher's style; this long kimono jacket is pure perfection:
PT: O estilo Mish Fisher é também marcado por um ar oriental; esta jaqueta-kimono comprida é pura perfeição:

 EN: Flowing fabrics are also a staple and notice how these outfits could easily be adapted to work in the present days:
PT: Tecidos esvoaçantes são também um tema recorrente no estilo da Miss Fisher; Notem como estes conjuntos poderiam facilmente ser adaptados aos tempos de hoje:

EN: Really love the mustard and ivory combo here:
PT: Adoro esta combinação de mostarda com marfim:
EN: Safari style in graded tones of green and khaki (note to self: look for a safari jacket sewing pattern):
PT: Estilo Safari em tons degradé de verde e caqui (nota para mim própria: procurar um molde de jaqueta safari):
 EN: Tweeds and furs for winter:
PT: Tweeds e peles para o Inverno:

EN: Pretty laces and silks in navy blue:
PT: Rendados e sedas em azul-marinho:

EN: Look at this asymmetric neckline; I'm sure I've seen a pattern like this somewhere,...
PT: Observem este decote assimétrico; tenho a certeza de já ter visto um molde do género algures,...
EN: Miss Fisher is just a comfortable in a total white look as she is in total black:
PT: A Miss Fisher tanto fica bem num look total branco como de preto:

EN: She isn't afraid of daring color combos either:
PT: Ela também não tem receio de usar combinações de cores mais arrojadas:
EN: I lost my breath when I saw this coral crushed velvet duster worn with light grey wide trousers and top:
PT: Perdi a respiração quando vi este casaco de veludo espelhado em tom coral usado com um conjunto de top e pantalona cinza-claro:
EN: OMG and the hats,...
PT: E os chapéus,...

EN: Almost every look, even the most casual ones are masterfully accessorized; long scarves, matching hats and gloves,...
PT: Todos os looks, até os mais casuais, estão acessorizados com maestria: Écharpes longas, chapéus e luvas a condizer,...

EN: So for this spring I'll be on the hunt for the following patterns: long duster coats and dresses, wide leg pants and culottes, kimonos, safari style jackets, blouses and tops with original necklines and cut-outs, gathered cuffs, etc. For fabrics I think I can manage most from my stash but I won't shy away if I see a pretty sheer floral or an original print. Let's see what I can come up with! You're all invited to follow along!
PT: Como tal para esta primavera vou estar "à coca" dos moldes seguintes: casacos "duster" e vestidos compridos, pantalonas e culotes, kimonos, jaquetas estilo safari, blusas e tops com decotes originais e recortes, punhos franzidos, etc. No que refere a tecidos creio que estarei bem servida com a minha própria coleção, mas não vou virar a cara se me aparecerem tecidos leves floridos ou algum padrão muito original. Vamos lá ver do que serei capaz de fazer,... Estão todos convidados a acompanhar-me!


  1. Thank you for this post. This so eye candy.

  2. Quė interesante!!. Efectivamente, prendas todas ellas totalmente actuales. Gracias!

  3. We love that show and the costumes are a real inspiration. Very luckily we had an exhibition of the costumes go around Australia and I saw it when it came to Brisbane. It was magnificent and exceptionally beautiful. The most terrific part of the exhibition for a sewer was they had swatches of fabric to touch. I'd never seen that before and it was much appreciated. here's my post with close up of some wonderful sleeve details. The designer was Marion Boyce and she provided a lot of her own jewellery. There was a lot of information about how she sourced her fabrics and how she changed them to suit. She was also the designer for The Dressmaker if I remember correctly.

  4. We love and watch the show always. I saw the exhibition when it came to Brisbane last year. It was amazing. that is my blog post on it with some interesting sleeve details highlighted and the most favourite part for me was swatches of the fabrics .. a sewers dream. Marion Boyce was the costume designer and there was a lot of information about how she sourced and modified the fabrics to suit. A lot of the jewellery is her own collection. From memory she is also the designer for The Dressmaker.

  5. So fun. Thanks for posting this. Btw, one of the big 4 had a pattern of the jodhpurs and jacket like the outfit below over past year. Good luck on the hunt for patterns. Abbey

  6. Tany, I've said it before but you and Miguel really must come and live in Australia. I love that Essie Davis is selling Australian design genius all over the world.

  7. I have always admired the clothes in this series, the way the fabrics fall and look so yummy. As you say such a lot of the styling could be used today and I look forward to seeing your future posts on this. I particularly like the wide trousers and have been hunting for a pattern for them (too lay to draft one myself).

  8. Sorry, its me again. I have just remembered that Paco Peralta's new pattern for Vogue, V1550 includes some nice wide trousers which may do the trick, though they might need a bit more width added.

  9. I can't wait to see your interpretation of these styles, one of my favorite time periods. Big hug.

  10. Beautiful styles. Thanks for the introduction!

  11. As Abby sews said, there is a pattern for the safari jacket and jodhpurs: Butterick 6433 ( If the pattern and photos aren't meant to represent Miss Fisher, I'll eat my hat (or I would if I had one).

  12. Thank you all for the lovely comments! paloverdeblooms: JACKPOT!! Thank you so much, I wasn't aware of that pattern!!

  13. The current pattern Butterick 6433 is straight out of Miss Fisher.
    Jodphurs though! And a great Safari jacket.

  14. Divine photos and I can't wait to see your interpretation!!

  15. I agree about the stunning styles of the show they are breathtaking! Wish I could afford the fabrics needed to pull them off! Thanks for the great pictures!


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