The final stretch: The lining has been finished – Na reta final: o forro já está acabado

 EN Summary: The jacket is almost finished, yay! I still need to sew the pockets and flaps (all by hand), including hand-worked buttonholes; there's also sewing the chain to the hem of the jacket but that's a walk in the park compared with what I've done so far. Keep reading to see details of the finished lining!
PT Sumário: A jaqueta está quase terminada! Ainda faltam os bolsos com paletas (inteiramente cosidos à mão, incluindo as casas de botão) e a corrente, no entanto se compararmos com o trabalho já feito, o que falta é canja. Continuem a ler para verem os detalhes do acabamento do forro!

EN: The difficult and tedious part of fell-stitching the lining to the facings and collar is pinning in in place (not the fell-stitching). One must be mindful of the lining not pulling the fashion fabric and it shouldn't be visible on the outside of the jacket either; there are also spots where the lining allowances must be clipped to accommodate curves. The juxtaposition of crossing seams must match entirely too.
PT: A parte mais dificil e tediosa do acabamento do forro é prendê-lo com alfinetes ao longo das guarnições, gola superior e bainha (depois coser com pontos invisíveis e ir retirando os alfinetes à medida que se cose é fácil). O forro não deve repuxar o tecido da jaqueta nem ser visivel do exterior; nas curvas as margens do forro devem ser cuidadosamente golpeadas. As costuras do forro ao cruzarem-se devem coincidir exatamente.
 EN: Below you can see the lining fell-stitched to the jacket's facing and hem. I am very pleased with how the jacket is turning out:
PT: Abaixo podem ver o forro cosido à mão à guarnição da frente e à bainha. Estou bastante satisfeita com o resultado até agora:
 EN: A quilted lining is a thing of beauty, isn't it?
PT: Um forro acolchoado assim é uma beleza, não é?
 EN: I've just received this gorgeous postcard from a dear sewing friend, I really love it... I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
PT: Recebi este lindo postal de uma Amiga das costuras, amei. Um Natal muito Feliz para todos!


  1. Tany, this is beautiful and reflects all the hard work. Every time I see a post from you I'm reminded that I haven't posted your buttons. I'm so bad, but have some excuses at least. Love to all in Portugal.

  2. Your jacket looks wonderful! It's gorgeous! I finally finished mine and I'm quite pleased with it, only wish for weather that would allow me to wear it. I really should post some pictures and a review. Thank you for blogging your experiences with your jackets, it has been very helpful to me.

  3. Wonderful work! Yes, that quilted lining looks fantastic. Merry Christmas!

  4. Yes that lining is a thing of beauty. So great I would wear this in a second! Merry Christmas and I am so glad you are blogging your sewing these days. I look forward to all your creations in the new year, Beth

  5. exquisite work. great result.
    Merry Christmas Tany.

  6. Tany - it's been awesome to follow this jacket's progress along here and on Instagram. It truly is a work of art and all of your hard work shows. Thanks for sharing the journey with us!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Beautiful! The lining is a thing of beauty :)


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