Lovely Birthday giveaway prize from Kelroc’s blog

Yesterday I looked into my mailbox and there it was the Birthday giveaway prize from Kelroc (In My Craftroom blog)! This lovely Simplicity pattern will make a nice addition to my pattern stash and hopefully I’ll find some time to sew it up soon! Yay!

PS - I wasn't able to sew last weekend due to both my "men" being ill with the flu, let's hope this weekend will be more productive!


Ontem na minha caixa de correio chegou o prémio que ganhei no sorteio de Aniversário da Kelroc do blogue In My Craftroom! Este molde da Simplicity é uma boa aquisição para a minha coleção, esperemos que num futuro próximo tenha tempo de o usar! Obrigada Kelroc!!

PS - Neste passado fim-de-semana não consegui costurar nada devido a ambos os "homens" da casa estarem doentes, esperemos que este fim-de-semana seja mais produtivo!


  1. Ciertamente, este es un patrón hermoso, yo espero que puedas hacer algún proyecto con él muy pronto. Muchos besos.

  2. So happy you received the pattern Tany,Yay. I hope your family feels better soon and you have a productive sewing weekend.

  3. That is my favorite skirt pattern...I've made it quite a few times over the last couple of years. I hope you do sew it soon. I'm sure I would learn something new and wonderful from you during your sewing journey!

  4. Hi Tany, a long time for I came here, but always nice work and very explanation. Hope you're great, have a kiss from Marseille


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