2011#25 – Salmon pink jacket (V2752) – Jaqueta salmão

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Molde usado: Vogue 2752 (ver detalhes no artigo anterior, onde mostrei o molde e as calças do conjunto)

Fotos minhas a usar a jaqueta (clicar aqui).

Descrição: Jaqueta semi-justa, completamente entretelada, leva chumaços, tem linhas princesa, gola em pé, mangas largas a ¾ e molas de pressão. Achei um modelo muito bonito, com uma certa inspiração oriental.
Modificações: Houve duas coisas que fiz diferente das instruções: entretelei também as vistas da frente (não sei porquê, eram a única peça que não levava entretela) e modifiquei um pouco a posição das molas de pressão, acrescentando uma mais acima (o original só leva duas molas à altura da cintura). Já agora, a entretela que usei foi termo-colante de malha fininha, uma entretela muito flexível e ligeira. A intenção não era que a jaqueta ficasse muito estruturada. Ah, e também acrescentei uma corrente de pendurar.

Conclusão: Um projecto trabalhoso e com muitas peças para unir, mas na minha opinião valeu bem a pena o trabalho (em consequência das muitas horas seguidas a costurar ganhei uma boa dor de costas). Em conjunto com as calças, forma um fato bem chique, mas estas peças podem usar-se também separadamente, em conjuntos menos formais. Gostei mais de ver a jaqueta com cinto, mas pode também ser usada simples, ou até com um lenço de voile em tom salmão escuro atado atrás (aqui a fazer lembrar a Angelina Jolie no filme “O Turista”). Fotos minhas a usar a jaqueta já estão no Tany et la Mode (clicar aqui). Fiquem bem!

Pattern: Vogue 2752 (pattern details are published on my previous post)

Outfit pictures were published here.

Description (from the pattern envelope): Semi-fitted, fully interfaced, lined jacket has shoulder pads, princess seams, raised neckline, back collar, three-quarter length ball sleeves and snap closures. In my opinion this is a beautiful and interesting pattern.
Alterations: none to the pattern but I diverged from the instructions on two points: I also interfaced the front facing (I don’t know why, but in the instructions this is the only piece which is not interfaced; it didn’t make sense to me, so I interfaced it as well). I also changed the placement of the pressure snaps and added another one just above the two that are placed at waist level. By the way, I used thin knit fusible interfacing, the same I usually use for blouses and silk fabrics. The goal was providing some structure and stability to the fabric without stiffening the jacket. Oh, and I also added a hanging chain loop to the back collar facing.

Conclusion: It was a work intensive project but the end result was worth it (I also ended up having some back pain in consequence of spending too many hours in a row just sewing… it was a busy weekend after all, *smile*). Wearing the complete suit to the office is perhaps too much, but both jacket and pants will get plenty of wear as separates! I really love the jacket with a belt, but it also works single. I could also wear it with a dark salmon voile scarf as belt, tied on the back (channeling Angelina Jolie in The Tourist, she wears the most amazing wardrobe in that movie, don’t you think?). Pictures of me wearing the jacket are already up (click here). Have a wonderful day!


  1. Tany, the jacket is great as well. You really picked the perfect material / color. I need more pics of Missy and Kiko modeling with you.

  2. Love this outfit. great jacket. proves that some of those older Vogues are timeless. I would like to see a photo of you wearing both jacket and pants together.

  3. Beth: It’s not often that I get some spare time to play dress up (I mean putting something on that I’m not wearing that day, just to take pictures for the blog), but when opportunity arises I’ll take pictures wearing the complete outfit. I’d wear it for a party or special occasion, not to work, because I think it would look too formal, mainly because of the fabric color. It’s the same with total white outfits: I love them but I wouldn’t wear white from head to toe to the office.

  4. Cuando ví el pantalón estuve a punto de preguntarte si habías hecho también la chaqueta, pues me encanta el conjunto. Ambas cosas están fantásticas, me gusta mucho el estilo y el color.. Besos !!!

  5. This is stunning! Styling it with the incredible belt gives it the couture runway look, gorgeous!

  6. My goodness! The outfit is absolutely beautiful. The belt is perfect for the jacket. Love, love it.

  7. Linda! Uma peça chique, intemporal e muito versátil. Acho que valeu a dor nas costas... ;)
    Tenho um cinto igual a esse! (comprei o meu nos saldos porque o preço original era simplesmente out of my budget...) É lindo e conjuga-se muito bem com várias peças. Estas férias vou ter de ver finalmente "O Turista", toda a gente me diz maravilhas do guarda-roupa desse filme!

  8. This just goes to show that the good news for all us hoarders out there is that it is definitely worth hanging on to Vogue designer patterns! This is gorgeous, I'm not usually a fan of pink, but this delicate salmon colour has changed my mind!

  9. Tany querida,
    você falou em amarrar um lenço atrás, então imagino que a jaqueta tenha passadores do lado, nas fotos não consegui vê-los. Ficou linda, tanto com o cinto preto como com esse.
    Gosto muito desse tipo de gola levantada, que alonga o colo.
    Aquela roupa da Angelina no início do filme realmente é linda. E aquele colar do final? Meu Deus, fantástico!
    Quanto ao filme, gostei mais do original, de 2005, mas o figurino deste é melhor, realmente.

  10. That jacket is phenomenal!!! It's gorgeous and worth every effort you put into it. Love it--the color, the style---everything!!!

  11. That looks great Tany . I think you could wear the pants and jacket togther especially with that black belt and black shoes and bag . I am interested that the darker lining doesnt show through at all . Well done !!

  12. This jacket is gorgeous and I love the obi belt it layered over it! Nicely done!

  13. Mom (Míriam): Ainda não vi o filme antigo, tenho que vê-lo também! A jaqueta não tem passadores, mas achei que não precisava, pois é cintada. No caso da Angelina, o vestido dela tem um passador com uns bons 15cm de largura, colocado directamente debaixo do peito do vestido, por isso dá aquele efeito no lenço caindo atrás (um desses diad faço um vestido com esse detalhe... Acho lindo). No caso desta jaqueta poderia simplesmente amarrar o lenço em torno da cintura com um nó atrás. Beijos!

  14. Adoro! ficou linda!


  15. That is so beautiful Tany, and I just love that belt.

  16. Ooh, lovely. I was worried about how it would look with the pants, but as separates the jacket looks fabulous. And for a formal occasion I am sure the whole outfit will look very special.

  17. Fantastic jacket. Love how you've styled it with the obi belt and flared pants. Fantastic!

  18. Muito Linda !

    Valeria Allão - Rio de Janeiro

  19. I have been following your blog for a few months and I must compliment you for your beautiful work. Where did you learn to sew so beautifully? Do you have certain books that you recommend? I appreciate all the details you show as I have learned so much from you.
    Thank you

  20. Marie: Hi and thanks! I've been sewing as a hobby since I was twelve... Learned from Burda magazines mostly and trial and error. There are a lot of books, but I'd recommend starting with a book like the Reader Digest sewing book (http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Guide-Sewing-Readers-Digest/dp/0762104201), which covers all the basics and has very good illustrations. Good luck, thanks vor your lovely comment!

  21. OMG! Wonderful, as always! Beautiful work!

  22. Absolutely stunning, as usual! What an interesting design -- love your choice of belt with it. Congratulations on creating another wonderful garment!

  23. You are really good.



  24. parece mesmo mesmo um kimono... esta lindo lindo...

  25. parece mesmo mesmo um kimono... esta lindo lindo...

  26. Paco is clearly having an influence on you. I love the simple lines of your jacket and am swooning over the belt. beautiful finishing work.


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