Couture et Tricot Exhibit – Exposição Couture et Tricot

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)

Há algum tempo fui convidada pelo Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem da PT Inovação (local onde trabalho) para elaborar uma pequena mostra acerca do meu passatempo favorito. Hoje a exposição abriu e aqui têm algumas imagens em primeira mão, momentos antes da inauguração. Esta exposição reúne algumas das minhas peças favoritas, todas confeccionadas com dedicação e empenho, e também recordações de Amigas e Amigos que fiz durante o tempo de vida deste blogue! Obrigada a todos pelo vosso apoio, vocês são fantásticos! Disfrutem!

Some time ago I was invited by my Company’s Public Relations Office to put together a small exhibit about my favorite hobby; today the exhibit went open and here are a few first hand photos just before the grand opening. This exhibit includes some of my favorite pieces, all handcrafted with love, and also souvenirs of some friends that I had the great honor of meeting through blogging. Thank you all for your kind support, you guys are the absolute best! Enjoy!


  1. Enhorabuena Tany...!!! Todo se ve tan bien montado. Los maniquies son sensacionales y luces muy bien tus modelos. Te mereces este reconocimiento por tan buen trabajo.

    Besos y muchos éxitos,


  2. Ai Tany
    que notiçia fantastica,parabens.
    Que bonita demonstraçao de aprecio ao teu trabalho.
    Pouco a pouco Couture et Tricot vai ganhando boa fama,fico super feliz por ti,que merecido destaque.
    Faço votos que a vida te brinde com muito reconhecimento e alegria.
    um abraço

  3. How fabulous! Congratulations. it is wonderful to see your lovely garments again.

  4. Bravo Tany ! This exhibition is so well deserved. This is wonderful. Your work is so amazing. I am always wonderful how you can make that much with a full time job... well that much and with such a degree of complexity and quality of fabrication. Wonderful tribute to your other job ;-)

  5. Congratulations!! That is quite an honor. They are going to want you to sew for them, now. You are such an excellent seamstress.

  6. How wonderful to be recognized for your talents outside of the office!

  7. Congratulations Tany! This is an amazing honor!

  8. Wow! That is so amazing! I wish I wish could come see the Tany exhibit!

  9. Tany congratulations. I would like to be there. Ministers close to them so lucky

  10. Olá!
    Parabéns...seu trabalho é maravilhoso,merece ser exposto,para que todos vejam.

  11. Oh My! Congratulations!!!If anyone should have an exhibit, it's you!

  12. Gorgeous exhibit, wish I could see it in person. congratulations.

  13. Wow, just beautiful. Congratulations to you.

  14. Muchas felicidades Tany! Tu trabajo pues bien que se merece una exhibicion.

  15. What a beautiful and impressive exhibit! Congratulations!

  16. Tany - what an honor! I am so thrilled for you and it was wonderful to see some of your awesome garments on display. Congratulations!

  17. How wonderful, I would pay to visit that exhibition! You must have had fun (and some difficulty!) deciding which pieces to include.

  18. Tany, isso é fantástico!!!! Meu deus, estou boquiaberta pela iniciativa, é super original uma empresa pegar no trabalho "pós-trabalho" de um colaborador e dar-lhe tal honra. Mas neste caso não sei quem é que tem a honra maior, se tu se a empresa por ter uma colaboradora com tal qualidade! ;) O teu trabalho fala por si e merece sem dúvida esse destaque, e as peças ficaram lindas assim expostas (bela selecção, aliás). Mas conta mais, como é que surgiu essa iniciativa? Se ainda não eras, vais passar a ser conhecida como a costureira mais trendy da empresa!
    Mais uma vez, muitos parabéns!
    Depois conta como foi o feedback dos visitantes :)

  19. What a beautiful display! Congratulations, and thank you for the 'tour' :)

  20. What a great experience. You have really made so many amazing pieces.

  21. Wow Tany thats great . I have an interested group at work too who are always asking me what I making now. Its great to be known as a whole person at work not just by your job!! Do you use that lovely old Singer or is it a prop. ? have you blogged about the saddle stitched coat?

  22. Congratulations Tany........what beautiful pieces of fashion art! These photos were truly a joy to look at.....I so wish I could see your collection in person.

  23. the exhibition has been curated very well. A fabulous showcase of your formidable talent. My favourite is the black and white coat.

  24. Que lindeza! Parabéns!
    Tanto talento merece reconhecimento, sempre.
    Beijos enormes.

  25. A celebration of you - how wonderful! Your garments are so inspirational.

  26. Congratulations to the exhibition, Tany!

  27. Congratulations Tany! That truly is an honour which you absolutely deserve for all your amazing work.

  28. Congratulations! The display looks amazing! Your pieces are definitely works of art.

  29. Congrtulations! What a wonderful opportunity. Your display looks awesome and your pieces are beautiful!

  30. Nossa Tany, que bacaníssimo essa iniciativa, algo para ser provado aos outros que hobbes também podem ser muito profissionais e não é por que não é uma fonte de renda que não se pode ser feito com tanta dedicação e paixão.
    Você merece!


  31. How wonderful it is to see allthose beatifully tailored garments showcased. I love the black velvet coat and the offwhite Dior cooat; Congratulations!!!

  32. Gosh, Tany, what company are you working for? I would love to work there, too! :-)
    What a great opportunity, and how lovely to see some of your many well-crafted pieces again. Sewing over all those years, I think this is not a hobby as such anymore for you, but a passion you can well lived. I hope many, many garments will follow..... and I am looking forward to this! :-)

  33. Tany, I am so proud to know you! (That's "country-speak" for You Are Magnificent)

    You garments look just gorgeous in the exhibit. How could they be better than when you posted about them? But they are. Congratulations!!!

  34. Wonderful,, what an honor,, at first i didn't recognize the garments as you'rs,, I thought it was a "designers" display, then i started recognizing them...



  35. Congratulations! Such gorgeous pieces, your work is amazing.

  36. Congratulations not only on your amazing garments but in working for a company that appreciates and showcases your many talents. A beautiful exhibition.

  37. Congratulations Tany, the display of your beautiful made garments is beautiful.

  38. How wonderful, and seeing those wonderful pieces again is a treat. Your work is certainly worth an exhibition!

  39. I would love to see your exhibition, its a hobby at its highest level- you are a pro! Thanks for the beautiful pictures,
    best regards

  40. How cool! What a great initiative at your company, to showcase talents outside work. It looks like a fabulous and well-curated exhibit.

  41. Congrats!! I love your work. The Orwell coat is my absolute favorite. I long for that pattern.

  42. Tany, this is a beautiful display of your work. I'm certain that your exhibit will inspire many to sewing after seeing that beauty that are your creations.

  43. WOW!!! Your work is definitely worthy of an exhibit! Congrats to you.

  44. Tenho que ir a Aveiro!!!!
    Bjs e muitos parabéns

  45. Muitos Parabéns Tany!
    A exposição está fantástica!
    Acho maravilhosos o pormenor e o rigor do teu trabalho.
    Continua essa arte!
    Votos de muita sorte!

  46. Eu nem acredito, a sério??? Muitos parabéns!



  47. Muitos parabéns Tany. pena estar longe para poder visitar. Acho o teu trabalho de costura excelente e ainda bem que muita gente o poderá apreciar. beijinhos e tudo de bom para ti.

  48. That's great and looks really professional! (And what a great company you must work for, I love the idea to make exhibitions about personal hobbies!)

  49. Congratulations! You are lucky to work for a company that recognizes that you have interests beside working for them. It is great that they have acknowledged your talents.

    Everything is so beautifully displayed and makes quite an impact.

  50. This is really sensational!! Congratulations!

  51. Wow, it all looks so amazing! Congratulations!

  52. Congratulations! What an opportunity! It looks great.

  53. Olá Tany,
    Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho.
    Parece uma exposição muito bem pensada e ainda bem que a PT te dá esse mérito que afinal é todo teu!

  54. Parabéns Tany, você merece!!!!! Linda exposição e lindas peças!

  55. That is so amazing. It reminds me of an exhibition in a museum of a famous designer's clothing. How wonderful of your employers to support you. Well done.

  56. Tany, I think you have a great workplace for giving you the opportunity to present your personal hobby this way! And thank you for letting us have a look at your beautiful projects, I love the way they are displayed. I recognized some of your sewing projects, but is there any post about that brown knitted bag? It caught my eye :)

  57. Hi Olga and thanks! Here's a link to the posts on the brown crochet bag (aka Dublin bag):

  58. Parabens! E um honor para voce!

    Se há alguém que mereça és tu!!!
    Se a PT trouxer essa exposição a Lisboa, avisa! Eu serei a primeira e ir lá! Sabes, eu estou com uma pontinha de inveja das tuas colegas de trabalho: elas vivem numa expectativa constante!! Assim, não há rotina!!E a expectativa de ver alguém chegar de manhã para ver qual é a surpresa do dia? Deve ser fantástico! Mil Beijinhos e Felicidades!!! E Parabéns à PT pela iniciativa!! Helena Alves (Lisboa)

  60. Obrigada Helena Alves e a todas que passaram aqui para me deixar uma palavra de incentivo!!

    Thank you all for your kind words!

    Gracias a todos!

    Merci à tous!

  61. Olá Tany, andei vendo as fotos de sua exposição e fiquei emocionada pq desde venho acompanhando as confecção de tuas roupas e aprendendo muito com teu trabalho. Eu gostei muito da foto em que estão o vestido preto e a máquina de costura. Pensei em publica-la em meu mural no facebook, mas para isso gostaria de tua permissão para fazê-lo. Um grande abraço.

  62. Olá Giovana, e obrigada. Quanto à foto, pode usá-a, só peço que mencione a origem da foto. Ah, e não é um vestido de verdade... No manequim coloquei um tecido muito bonito de lantejoulas e prendi com alfinetes para dar um ar de Ateliê,... Muita gente pensou que fosse um vestido de verdade :)

  63. I remember most of these from reviews but seeing them all together it is an impressive body of work. Congratulations.

  64. Olá Tany, eu agradeço pela permissão. Certamente direi a origem, vc tem realizado um belo trabalho e vale a pena ser divulgado. Quanto ao vestido parece mesmo de verdade, ficou muito bonito no manequim. Um grande abraço e tudo de bom.

  65. Hello Tany, I have been away for quite a while. What a delight I found when I discovered this blog post. I am so pleased for you, this exhibition is very much deserved. Your work is appreciated and admired by so many the world over! Congratulations, Mary Anne (Scotland)

  66. Even though this exhibition took place few years ago, I would still like to say Congratulations my darling! Unfortunately the English version didn't work, but I could see from the pictures your beautiful works, absolutely fabulous! I have huge respect for you and what you do Teresa, I think you are an absolutely amazing woman beautiful inside and outside, and I also must give credit to the company where you work, that is just awesome that they show interest in their employees' lives and interests. Love you loads my darling! kisses and very warm hugs! <33333

  67. Thank you a million my dear friend Zhanna! I will include the English text in this comment (I don't know why this older blog doesn't have the reply feature): "Some time ago I was invited by my Company’s Public Relations Office to put together a small exhibit about my favorite hobby; today the exhibit went open and here are a few first hand photos just before the grand opening. This exhibit includes some of my favorite pieces, all handcrafted with love, and also souvenirs of some friends that I had the great honor of meeting through blogging. Thank you all for your kind support, you guys are the absolute best! Enjoy!"
    I was so happy to be able to showcase my creations like this, I'm sure you can imagine how I felt! It was very special and a great honor to me!
    Many hugs and kisses my darling, love you!!!


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