Miss Fisher DIY Sewing Guide: The dresses!

EN Summary: In this article you'll find a compilation of sewing patterns for dresses, which I believe are compatible with Miss Fisher's era and style. Some of the patterns are based on real vintage garments, other's are just modern adaptations or contain details that I find suitable for recreating some of Miss Fisher's iconic frocks! Keep reading the full article!
PT Sumário: Este artigo contém uma compilação de moldes de costura para vestidos, moldes esses que acredito serem compatíveis com a era e o estilo da Miss Fisher. Alguns destes moldes são baseados em peças autênticas dos anos 20, outros são adaptações modernas ou contém algum ou alguns elementos que creio serem úteis para recriar os vestidos que a Miss Fisher usa. Continuem a ler o artigo completo!

EN: First of all I want to thank Julie Culshaw for introducing me to Folkwear Patterns and their collection of sewing patterns based on authentic ethnic and vintage garments. I've found real gems in this website, including the following dresses that mirror Miss Fisher's style perfectly (also check their Poiret Cocoon coat, Metropolitan Hat and Hollywood pants!) 
PT: Antes de mais queria agradecer à Julie Culshaw por me ter indicado os Moldes Folkwear e a sua coleção de moldes costura baseados em peças de época/étnicas genuínas. Encontrei autênticas jóias neste website, incluido os vestidos que indico a seguir (vejam também o Casaco Casulo ao estilo Poiret, o Chapéu Metropolitano e as Calças Hollywood!):

237 Tango Dress:

252 Beach Pyjamas:

264 Monte Carlo Dress:

EN: I've also found this 1920's dress costume (Butterick 6399); I like the bodice part but I'm not so sure about the skirt and sash with the big bow:
PT: Também descobri este molde de vestido de anos 20 (Butterick 6399): gosto muito da parte de cima, mas a saia e a faixa com o laço enorme não me convenceram:
EN: The following BurdaStyle Magazine patterns could also work for Miss Fisher:
PT: Os seguintes moldes da revista BurdaStyle também poderiam agradar à Miss Fisher:




BurdaStyle2016May#111B#106 (top and skirt, but they look together like a dress!):


EN: Lekala also features a couple of patterns that could work, specially the oriental style dress (I remember Phryne wearing a red oriental inspired dress in one of the episodes):
PT: Nos moldes Lekala também se encontram alguns moldes de vestidos interessantes, nomeadamente o vestido de inspiração chinesa (lembro-me da Phryne usar um vestido exatamente assim em vermelho, num dos episódios):

LEKALA 5214 (I nice design for a formal dress):

LEKALA 5331 (there's also a short-sleeve dress pattern with similar style lines)

LEKALA 5962:
From Vogue patterns:





From Marfy:





EN: Hopefully you'll get inspired by some of these designs! Happy Sewing to all!
PT: Espero que se tenham sentido inspirados por alguns destes modelos! Boas costuras a todos!


  1. tany, lekala and bootstrap have a lot of the same patterns available, but if you can measure with a friend, you can include more specific measurements on bootstrap. lekala allows for "bigger", "standard", "smaller" adjustments, but you need to get a sense of where you fit in their range before you can figure that out. Also - if you can't find something you're interested in on lekala, you can email bootstrap and they'll usually be able to provide the same pattern.
    the marfy patterns just make me happy :) caroline

  2. Thank you so much, dear Caroline! As I've told you when we met, I haven't tried Lekala just yet but after hearing such great feedback from you, I am looking forward to give them a try! Thank you for the extra insight :***

  3. If you're willing to go to reproductions of period patterns, there are other sources such as Eva Dress Patterns (https://evadress-patterns.myshopify.com) and the Vintage Pattern Lending Library (https://vpll.3dcartstores.com) [which actually has repro patterns for sale]. And, of course, there are lots of originals available for sale in various online sources.

  4. Thank you so much paloverdeblooms. I am just now discovering all these options. I am looking for adaptations from the 20s style (namely Miss Fisher's style, which is a bolder interpretation IMO) into modern wear, i.e. something that I can wear in everyday life. Wide leg pants and long duster coats are right into my alley and I intent to make a few. I also intent to make something very similar to Miss Fisher's riding suit. Her wardrobe is truly inspiring to me, as I love the silhouettes and the color combos she wears (not to mention the choice of fabrics!)

  5. Hiya, long time lurker, first time commenter here :)

    just thought I'd mention that the original Miss Fisher novels by Kerry Greenwood had wonderful illustrations and much of Phrynes series wardrobe are based on these. There was even a small illustrated 20th book in the series celebration edition which had a look at her closet and boudoir if i recollect. You might find it interesting to look them up.

    On an aside, and on a non-sewing front, if you enjoyed the series you might more enjoy the books because of necessity they cut a lot of the detail out, including pivotal characters.

    Cheers, always enjoy your posts xo

  6. Hi pkg, thank you for coming forward and welcome! I was thinking of getting the books already but I wasn't aware they contained illustrations of Phryne's wardrobe, that's wonderful!

  7. Looking forward to seeing your renditions of these great clothes.

  8. Isto é o que se chama eye candy :-) Que moldes fantásticos!!!

  9. I love this show. I went to an exhibition of the garments here in Australia. It was all shot in Melbourne which is where I live so its fun to see all the streets and building which are used My Mother in laws good friend built the sets fro the interior kitchen scenes. The clothes are truly wonderful . My favorite is the cream linen duster coats that she often wears .One of the reasons the clothes are so fantastic is that the designer and maker of her wardrobe used her personal collection of vintage fabics and so on . She has been collecting fro many years . The patterns anquality of the sewing is also fantastic . You would also love the clothes from another Australian film "The Dressmaker " staring Kate Winslet . Have a look fro it.

  10. May I suggest Decades of Style, especially their 1920's patterns? They are the bee'so knees;)



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