2014#15: The lip print top – O top estampado de beijos

ETA: Click here to see me wearing the top!

I've made this top out of the remnant fabric from the lip print dress, using the same pattern for the bodice but altering the neckline to a V-line instead. The peplum was made shortening the upper skirt panels of the dress. As you can see, there’s no back zipper this time: 

Editado para acrescentar: Podem ver-me a usar o top clicando aqui

Fiz este top com o tecido que sobrou do vestido estampado de beijos, usando o mesmo molde para o corpo mas alterando o decote. O folho da bainha também foi feito encurtando os panos superiores da saia do vestido. Como podem ver, não precisei de coser um fecho atrás:

The next photo shows the rather unusual armhole shaping of both the dress and the top: 
Na próxima foto podem ver o detalhe da forma da cava, um detalhe for a do vulgar no vestido e agora no top:

And this sums up my sewing projects during the past vacation week! Hope you all have enjoyed it! Hugs to all!
E assim termino de mostrar o que costurei durante esta semana de férias, espero que tenham gostado! Um abraço!


  1. That's a really interesting pattern. Great fabric!

  2. I love the details of this top! Gorgeous!

  3. Cute top. I think Marc Jacobs did a range of lip print fabrics last year so lucky you if it is an original.

  4. wow I just discovered your blog and really like it. Think you have great style and am following now! Definitely a new fan! You are very inspiring
    Pop up by my page when you get a chance xoxo Tamara

  5. wow I just discovered your blog and really like it. Think you have great style and am following now! Definitely a new fan! You are very inspiring
    Pop up by my page when you get a chance xoxo Tamara


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