Lined Jacket tutorial video - Video: como fazer uma jaqueta forrada

Have you heard of West Valley College Video tutorials on youtube? I found them by chance and had to share :). Here’s a video that demonstrates the construction of a lined jacket the industrial way; I was intrigued by the construction of the sleeve vent; there’s always something new to learn! Enjoy!
Por acaso encontrei no youtube videos de costura de um colégio, o West Valley College; este demonstra a construção de uma jaqueta forrada pelo método industrial; fiquei muito curiosa com o método de fazer a abertura na manga que explicam no vídeo,… Há sempre algo novo a aprender!


  1. Hey Tany, great find! definitely informative. Will refer to this video in the future. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Tany for posting this. Definitely will watch it.

  3. I've just finishing learning how to draft my own jacket, so this video instruction is gold! Thank you so much for posting.


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