Tutorial Index – Índice dos passo-a-passo

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Não sei se repararam mas por baixo do cabeçalho do blogue existem agora dois “links” (um em Inglês e outro em Português) para duas novas páginas onde poderão encontrar um índice dos principais passo-a-passo que fui publicando durante o tempo que o Couture et Tricot tem estado activo. Estes índices ainda estão em actualização, uma vez que o trabalho de os produzir é bastante moroso. Espero que ajudem quem passa aqui à procura de conhecimento nesta área. Fiquem bem!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’ve added two new pages to this blog (the web links are right below the blog title): they are indexes (in Portuguese and in English) to the main tutorials that have been published on this blog. The pages are still under construction and I hope they will provide an easy way to find relevant information. Please notice that in the earlier tutorials, the English text is in yellow; the more recent articles have a bilingual functionality: the default language is Portuguese but below the post title you’ll find a language combo box that will enable the English text (just uncheck the Portuguese language box and check the English one). Please excuse any English mistakes; English is not my native language. Enjoy!


  1. Muito bem! Acho que estas páginas são mesmo um óptima ideia!



  2. Que otimo Tany!
    Valeu mesmo, vai ser muito util e muito mais rapido o acesso.

  3. This is wonderful. I will definitely use your tutorials and what a treasure trove of fabulous info. Thanks so much, Tany.

  4. This is so helpful as I use your blog as a reference when I need construction tips.

  5. I could only imagine how much work (and passion!) you put in this perfect sewing-guide. From now on I will use it always when I need help, thanks so much!

  6. Sim, sim, sim, ajudam e muito.
    E já haviam sido notados, como não?
    Bons sonhos.

  7. Thank you! You always provide such good help --- thank you for making it easier to find!

  8. Thanks Tany! Love your blog and this will make it easier to find everything. And I think your English is just about perfect:)

  9. Your index is a wonderful idea. Regarding your English, I think it is fabulous. I wish I had a second language.

  10. Wow Tany! Thanks for sharing. I'm already using it as a reference. I wanted to make bound buttonholes for a Simplicity Jacket. Not only did you show multiple methods, you made the same jacket with your own little twist.

  11. You are SO selfless! Thanks for making your great info easy to get to! It is indeed a great resource!

  12. How organized! Thanks for all these great references.


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