Preparing to knock off a cloak – Preparando-me para copiar um capote

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)
Num editorial da revista Elle chamado “Cool Intentions” (Fotógrafo: Terry Tsiolis, estilismo por Lester Garcia), vi esta imagem que me intrigou (todo o editorial era fantástico):

(imagem retirada da Internet)

Trata-se de um modelo da Ports1961 (visitem, vale a pena, as roupas são de morrer!), com o preço bastante acessível de 1450 dólares…

Mais tarde verifiquei sem espanto que uma famosa cadeia de roupa produziu algo muito semelhante, com um preço a rondar a centena de euros:

(imagens de

Creio que não é difícil de fazer… Lã cardada ou malha grossa, as costas e a frente são uma peça única com uma união no centro das costas e nos ombros. A frente estende-se até ao ombro oposto e tem uma orla arredondada até à lateral… Depois uma gola larga, possivelmente em meia-lua. Até podia fazer aqui um capuz… Os bolsos não oferecem dificuldade. Gosto do pormenor do rebordo em pele do capote da Ports1961…

Comprei 3 metros de tecido cardado antracite (gastei cerca de 21 euros) e acho que vou tentar a minha sorte!

There was this image in an editorial called Cool Intentions from the September Elle that really intrigued me (Photos by Terry Tsiolis, Styling by Lester Garcia):

(Found the picture in the Internet, don’t remember the source)

It’s a model by Ports1961 (do visit their website, the clothes are TDF), with an accessible price tag of $1450 (according to the magazine).

Later I was not surprised to see that a well know worldwide retailer had something very similar, with a price that rounded the $145 (90% off!):

(imagens de

I think this cloak is fairly easy to knock off. I could use brushed wool, boiled wool or thick knit to make it. Back and front are a single piece with no side seams and there’s a center back seam. The front extends to the opposite shoulder and its edge is cut on the round. A wide collar, half circle shaped would probably do, but I could also make it as some kind of a hood… The pockets are a no brainer. I also like the leather trim on the Ports1961 cloak.

All this said, I bought around 3.3 yards of anthracite brushed wool blend that cost me a total of 21 Euros and I’m trying my luck with this project.


  1. I'm sure it will work out, you have the skills for it

  2. I LOVE this design. In an anthracite brushed wool? It will be fabulous --- can't wait to see your version!

  3. Tany, that is going to be fabulous! I can't wait to see it!

  4. I think this look will look fabulous on you!

  5. Don't you love being able to make whatever you want?

  6. Thankyou Tany for signing up to be my first Blog Follower, I am really thrilled. Looking forward to seeing how your vest/cloak turns out and which fabric you choose. Lizzy.

  7. Tenho a certeza de que vais conseguir!



  8. Muuito chique! Já a jaqueta é liiiinda de morrer... com aquela gola fantástica.



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