Os folhos e a napa voltam a atacar - Frills and pleather strike again

English (uncheck the other box and check this one)

Eu sei, estou a ser um pouco repetitiva… Mas ainda tinha mais destes tecidos lá por casa e resolvi gastá-los…

O top, tal como o que mostrei aqui em cor pérola, não tem molde; desta vez resolvi “inovar” um pouco no feitio, elaborando uma gola com laço para aproveitar uma pequena sobra de tecido aos folhinhos:

Além disso, ajustei um pouco o top (tirei 10cm de cada lado), e a costura lateral passou a ser curva em direcção às mangas, para manter o efeito ombro caído num top mais ajustado:

A saia é basicamente igual à castanha que mostrei aqui, mas com pespontos duplos (podem ver-me a usá-la aqui). A napa é a que sobrou da jaqueta inspirada em Celine (molde do Paco).

A seguir comecei a fazer um casaco estilo “robe” (sem botões, de traçar e com cinto) em camel, um dos indispensáveis desta estação, cujo progresso mostrarei a seguir… Desejos de uma óptima semana!

I know it’s more of the same... But I had some more frilled jersey and pleather lying around and decided to consume it before moving on to a more elaborate project.

No pattern used for the top (just like this similar one shown here); this time I decided to elaborate a little further and I made a collar with a tie knot using a small remnant from my previous projects:

Beside the collar I also adjusted the torso taking in 4 inches on each side seam, but curving outwards to the sleeves so I still get the dropped shoulder effect on a closer fitting top:

The skirt is basically the same as the brown one shown here, but added more topstitching on the seams (clik here for pictures of me wearing it). The pleather used was a remnant from my Celine inspired jacket using Paco’s pattern.

After finishing up these easy/quick projects I started on a robe style camel coat (no buttons, just a tie belt to keep the coat closed), one of the must-haves of this season. I’ll share my progress later… Have a nice week everybody!


  1. Great combination and a good way to use up your remants. I adore your top.

  2. I love how you called these 2 pieces "more of the same"! I'll take your "more of the same" anyday---it's ALWAYS EXCITING. I love the pieces together. You've got serious Style!

  3. Two great pieces! The pleather you use looks to be such a nice quality.

  4. Love the sharp contrast between the leather of the skirt and the soft lacy blouse. I always love your work.

  5. That's a great non-basic black outfit!

  6. Não acho que sejas repetitiva. Tens de mostrar aquilo que gostas e fazes!
    Eu gostei muito desta saia e da camisola. A gola deu um ar bem giro!



  7. Love both pieces. The top is great - it has texture, which is a good thing in an all black outfit.

  8. I love those two pieces together. They are a sharp contrast to one another, and yet work beautifully. I love the ruffley top, and often wondered what to do with such a fabric.


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