Um vestido de malha simples – A simple knit dress

(de volta às fotos sem cabeça...) Este vestido é muito simples e rápido de fazer, no entanto tem algumas características interessantes. O modelo original vem na Burda de Setembro de 2007, modelo 121:
(back to the headless photos...) This is a very simple and quick to make dress, but in spite of its simplicity it remains stylish and interesting. The original model is featured in the September BWOF, model 121:
Para a sua confecção usei jersey fino (não sei a composição do tecido mas tem um toque muito macio e cai muito bem), e a corta-e-cose, excepto para as costuras dos ombros e as costuras que unem o corpo à base da cintura subida (para estas costuras, que ficam viradas para dentro, portanto inacessíveis à vista mesmo do avesso, optei por usar o ponto especial para tecidos elásticos da máquina de coser, para depois poder abrir as costuras a ferro mais facilmente).
I used a thin and soft jersey (I really don't know the composition) that drapes wonderfully well, and used my serger for most of the seaming, except the concealed shoulder seams and the bodice seam (the one that joins the bodice to the high waistband). For these seams I used my SM and the stretch stitch because I wanted to press them open so the resulting seam could turn out to be less bulky.

Na confecção segui à risca as instruções da Burda e fiquei bastante satisfeita com o acabamento resultante no interior do vestido. Vou mostrar alguns detalhes:
I followed BWOF's instructions exactly and I was quite pleased with the result, mainly on the wrong side of the dress. I will show you a few details:

A frente pregueada cria um efeito bonito e elegante:
The pleated front creates a beautiful and elegant effect:
As frentes são construídas na dobra do tecido (tanto a frente do tronco como as costas têm folha dupla de tecido para lhes dar mais estabilidade):
The bodice is entirely doubled (two layers of the same fabric) and the front panels are constructed so the fold is placed on the V-neck edge:
As costas são simples e ajustam-se perfeitamente ao corpo:
The back is very simple and adjusts nicely to the body:
A técnica de virar explicada nas instruções resulta num acabamento perfeito nas costuras dos ombros, cujos valores de costura nem do interior se vêm:
The turning inside out technique explained in the instructions really works! The shoulder SAs are concealed in the shoulder "tunnels" and are not visible even on the wrong side:
As costuras do decote atrás foram pespontadas só na parte de dentro, para não virarem ao usar o vestido:
The back neckline is understitched so the edge doesn't turn out when wearing the dress:
Por dentro notem que apenas se vêm as costuras dos lados e a costura que une a saia à cintura subida:
Note the wrong side where the only visible SAs are the side seams and the seam that joins the skirt to the high waist band (both serged):
A banda da cintura, à frente e atrás:
The waistband front and back:

A bainha, por fora e por dentro:
The hem, outside and inside:

Conclusão: Um vestido muito prático, perfeito para o dia-a-dia, que não deixa de ser elegante e de proporcionar diversas possibilidades ao ser combinado com blusas e tops! Por ser rápido de confeccionar talvez faça mais um noutra cor!
Conclusion: A very practical dress, perfect for everyday wear but yet it's still elegant and gives many possibilities coordinating it with different tops and blouses! Like it so much that I plan on making another one, if I find the jersey on a color that appeals to me!

Falta ainda mostrar a minha versão da gabardina Falbala (sem tantos folhos), essa sim mais complexa e com recurso a algumas técnicas mais avançadas! As fotos com flash não fazem justiça a este tecido ligeiramente brilhante, por isso vou ter que esperar pelo fim-de-semana e luz natural para fotografar todos os detalhes. Deixo-vos uma foto sem flash, que por esse motivo ficou um pouco tremida, só para vos abrir o apetite!
I have yet to show you my version of the Falbala trench (with less ruffles), a more complex and time consuming project using some advanced techniques! The pictures with the flash don't make this fabric justice because the flash reflects on the slightly iridescent surface of the fabric so I must wait for a day light time opportunity to photograph all the interesting details; the only time I can do this is during the weekend so you must wait until then! In the meanwhile I leave you with a not so good preview picture (taken without the flash):


  1. That Burda dress is so simple and cute. I can't wait to hear more about that trenchcoat.

  2. Purple rain, purple rain.... I love it! You have the cutest figure too! I'm with Erica, can't wait to hear about the red trench.

  3. I have been eyeing that Burda dress - it's so great to see it made up. It looks fabulous on you!

  4. The dress looks great with that purple Burda top you made recently. I was wondering about a good alternative to a turtleneck to wear with that dress, and your top is perfect. Thanks for all the detail pics.

  5. Love this dress and your purple blouse is gorgeous with it. I have been eyeing this dress, so many wonderful versions being made. I can't wait to hear more about the coat.

  6. Great dress, with impeccable finishing (as usual). Like it with your blouse too. Wish I could wear a dress like that, then I would make one too.
    Look forward to the coat details.

  7. Love the dress. Can't wait to get my hands on the Sept Burda - it seems a great edition.

    Your trench looks devine....oooh, can't wait!

  8. Oh Tany... Your dress is great! (and yes, that was the Burda design I was thinking of when you told me about it in the Bouchara store! LOL). I wish I had bought that Burda issue, I think I'll try and find it on Ebay. Your dress is beautiful and I love all the details, both inside and out!

    As for le fameux trenchcoat... it looks amazing. Can't wait to see it in daylight!

    Big hugs to you! Work is absolutely crazy this week (and will be the next). I am sorry I haven't been able to reply to your last lovely email yet! I shall get to it as soon as possible. (((hugs))) to you, dear friend!

  9. Gorgeous dress! Such a tease,that trench if fabulous! I really enjoy your work from the simplest to the more complex.

  10. Beautiful - I would love to have one like this. I like yours better than the burda-shot of it....the model has no bust at all and I was wondering how this dress would look on someone with a little more "feminity" ;) - your photo is the proof: just gorgeous!
    greetings from berry

  11. Beautifully done! I love the finish on the inside bodice, it's so clean and neat. I must say, I do love those tights you have on! They add such great texture.

  12. Lovely! I have this dress on my desk, too. And: I have bought almost the same thights..

    Best wishes,

  13. O vestido ficou sem duvida muito bem! Os acabamentos, mais uma vez são perfeitos.
    A gabardine, bem a mim fez-me lembrar um vestido, ficou bem gira apesar de pensar que ainda será mais gira ao vivo (tal como referis-te).



  14. the dress might be simple but you made a mega-event dress out of it. You look amazing! I want your figure and your hair ( not literally spoken ;) )
    Is that the trenchcoat from the burda designer pattern?

  15. Love the dress, it looks wonderful with the blouse. Can't wait to hear about the trench!!

  16. Ola!
    Tu não paras !
    4 dias em Paris!Sortuda!
    O vestido de malha roxo ficou mt giro! E a gabardine vermelha é linda! :)

  17. Lindo! Eu tenho visto os teus últimos progjectos, são todos o máximo, se soubesse costura como tu também fazia a minha roupa!
    Obrigada pela compreensão :)

    Chuana :)

  18. Hi,
    I visiting from Isabelle's blog.
    Your sewing are very wanderful!!Great dress!!

    from Japan


  20. beautiful as always and that coat is gorgeous

  21. What a gorgeous color of jersey! Such a good choice. That dress was supposed to be next on my list, but all I have is grey doubleknit, which might or might not work. I have to drape it all over myself and guess. I love your version. It inspires me to keep this dress high on the list.

  22. Tany, your purple outfit is fabulous. Love those heels and hoses, too. Congrats!

  23. Parabens! Ficou linda!
    Vem nas tendencias da Revista Maxima.

  24. Linda peça, ficou perfeita a cor também adorei.

  25. Obrigada a todas!
    Thank you all!

    Tini: This is not the red designer model yet! It's a Christian Lacroix inspired trench coat, very similar to the one featured in the F/W LaRedoute Catalogue (The Falbala trench)! I plan on starting the designer suit by the end of this month!

    Dina: Thank you and welcome to Couture et Tricot!

    Sachico: Thank you! I'm glad to have your visit from Japan! I wish one day I will visit your beautiful country! Welcome to Couture et Tricot!

  26. Adoro a cor que escolheu e o tecido cai muito bem. O seu modelo parece-me muito mais elegante que o que é apresentado na foto da revista. :) Simplesmente magnífico! beijinhos ***

  27. What a beautiful, versatile dress, Tany, kudos to you! You're teasing us with the red trench...can't wait to see that in more detail! Where do you find the time to do such beautifully detailed sewing???

  28. The dress is beautiful Tany and I like how you paired it with the purple satin blouse! I have to admit that I was admiring your hose and shoes more...they are sooooo hot! *LOL*

  29. Tany, the dress is beautiful and I too really love the way you paired it with the purple blouse. Thank you for the detail photos. The design really shines with the color and fabric choices you made. Of course your impeccable attention to detail also makes a big difference. It looks really lovely and versatile as well.

  30. Thank you ladies! Having you here is a great honour! Dawn: Thank you! Well, I don't know the answer to that... I make a lot of sacrifices. Having a full time job, I don't get out much and my home is always a mess... I don't have children and I guess that matters too.

  31. Tany, that dress is awesome on you! Superb fit and fabric choice and everything. Love it.

  32. Great dress, so chic! Love the way it goes with that purple top


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