Ponto de situação e prémio Inner French Girl – Update on ongoing projects and the Inner French Girl award

Bem, por aqui a vida continua atarefada como sempre, infelizmente agora com menos tempo para os meus hobbies. Mas vai-se sempre fazendo qualquer coisinha! Este post serve o propósito de vos por a par do "estado das coisas" por aqui e também para vos falar um pouco da revista online Inner French Girl, a qual me atribuiu o prémio "Fashion Blog Award":
Well, life is still getting in the way of my hobbies and I still lack the time for everything I need to do. Progress is slow but I do have something to show you, I only lack the time to write about it. This post will keep you up to date with my progress and also will serve the purpose of acknowledging the "Fashion Blog Award" received from the Inner French Girl online magazine:
Traduzindo do website: "O Inner French Girl é um site sobre o ir ao encontro da perfeição no nosso estilo pessoal, a imagem que queremos dar ao mundo. Neste site aborda-se a moda das passerelles, escolhem-se os estilos que pensamos representar melhor o nosso ser interior, e traduzem-se estes estilos em termos reais de forma a serem recriados nas nossas salas de costura. São mostrados os moldes comerciais disponíveis que se adequam a cada estilo, como conseguir o look completo de uma vestimenta e até como copiar a maquilhagem e o penteado que o designer usou na passerelle.
Além de tudo isto, existe um concurso/desafio mensal de artes domésticas onde se propõe a aprendizagem de algumas técnicas antigas que se encontram em desuso. Oferece-se aulas de costura online, passo-a-passos, e ocasionalmente moldes grátis."
From the website:
"Inner French Girl is a site about finding your inner stylish perfection, the girl you want the world to see. Here, we look at runway fashions, choose the ones we think represent our inner selves, break them down into understandable parts and recreate them in our sewing rooms. We show you what commercially available patterns are best for each design, how to get the entire look of an outfit and even how to copy the face and hair that the designer used on the runway.
In addition, we have a monthly Home Arts Challenge, where we challenge our readers to learn some of the older skills that are dying out. We also offer online sewing classes, tutorials and occasionally, free patterns."

Se quiserem também podem subscrever a newsletter gratuita que é oferecida pela Inner French Girl.
If you wish you can also subscribe the free newsletter offered by Inner French Girl.

Pelo prémio de Fashion Blog Award que me atribuíram, agradeço a toda a equipa da Inner French Girl e em especial à Severine pela sua simpatia!
I thank the team of Inner French Girl magazine for this award; my special thanks go to Severine for her kindness!

E agora apenas uma breve descrição do estado actual dos meus lavores:
And now a brief description of my progress:

Terminei o casaco Phildar e hoje já o estou a usar, mas terão de esperar mais um pouco pela sua mostra final, com todos os detalhes; entretanto deixo-vos esta foto, tirada sem flash, no meu manequim:
The Phildar jacket is finished and I'm wearing it today, but you will have to wait for a full review with all the details; in the meanwhile here's a photo taken with no flash showing the jacket on my dressform:
O casaco leopardo vai a passo lento mas firme; neste momento já apliquei os bolsos, que podem ver na foto seguinte; no lado esquerdo o bolso por fora e, no lado direito a parte de dentro que vai ficar escondida depois pelo forro:
The leopard coat progress is slow but steady. The pockets are done, as you can see in the next picture; on the left there's the pocket outside and on the right the inside, which will be hidden by the lining later:
Mal possa publico o post final do casaco Phildar; até lá, boas costuras e tricô!
I will publish the full review on the Phildar jacket as soon as I can! Until then, happy sewing and knitting, everybody!


  1. Your jacket looks wonderful, I love the shape and the 60's feel.

  2. Congratulations on the award! Severine and her staff have many good concepts and I really like their daily newsletter.

    Your leopard coat is going to be wonderful! I already love it.

  3. Tany,
    The jacket is beautiful! I love it. I can't wait to see the leopard coat! I'm sure it will be stunning as always.

  4. Congratulations on the award! You certainly deserve it! The new jacket is just beautiful. I hope you get your sewing time back soon.

  5. Congratulations on the award! Your progress is coming along. If only we did not need to work!

  6. Your jacket is beautiful Tany!!!! I can't wait to see your leopard jacket!

  7. So, not being funny. But, when is the last time you had a major upset with a sewing project? You just seem to breeze through this complicated projects! That jacket looks lovely. Adore the collar. Also, wanted to ask if you find your dressform useful for construction.

  8. Cidell: Thanks! Well, The last time I had a major upset with a pattern ... Let me see… The last time was my first approach to the golden satin dress http://tanysewsandknits.blogspot.com/2007/02/burda-122005-vestido-105-bwof-122005.html ; back then I decided to draw my own pattern from scratch (this happened before I started blogging) and the bodice turned out "not so flattering". When I was thinking of a way to fix it, a drop of oil from my old Singer fell into the skirt of the dress... I took that as a sign and tossed the whole thing away and decided to start with a new BWOF pattern instead. I guess I’ve been half very lucky, half very thorough on the prep work before construction. So far.
    I find my dressform very useful; as an example, I used it for determining the right spots where to place the buttons on the Phildar jacket! I know exactly how it differs from my body (mainly my torso is lengthier; the back shape is also different).
    Thanks for dropping by!

  9. Muitos, muitos parabéns! É merecido.
    Obrigada pela resposta rápida. Quando tiver mais tempo respondo-te.
    Gostei do casaco Phildar.

  10. Tany ~ since we are asking questions...I want to know when do you find time to do all the sewing and prep work that you do? My garments aren't half as detailed as yours and you seem to turn them out like clockwork. So when do you sew?

    Congratulations on the Inner French Girl award! And can't wait to read about the new Phildar jacket!

  11. Carolyn: Thanks!! And you are too modest! You do fabulous detailed sewing; I’m a great fan of your work! As for your question, let's take today as an example: I arrived home at 20h30 (a lot earlier than usual lately because I missed my gym class - work got in the way - and had dinner (just a soup and some fruit, I don't eat much at night during the week). I hit my sewing machine until a few minutes ago (it's 1:47a.m. now). Today's achievements: the sleeves are done and set in on the leopard coat! Tomorrow I won't be home this early so I'm not sure I'll get the collar all done by then, but I will try! During the weekends I usually get more time to sew (unless I have family business to take care or if I spend the weekend out) and I get up early in the morning just to make the most of my day sewing. Oh, and let’s add this to today’s achievements: my house is a mess! I must do some cleaning up really soon! And now I’m off to bed!

  12. Congratulations on the award Tany! You are the most deserving of it!
    Your Phildar jacket is beautiful and looks so warm. Kudos on managing to achieve so much. Me, I don't even manage to answer important emails - like yours... I am so sorry! I will email you as soon as I can. Thank you again for the patterns, the Mouret dress pattern is at my bedside table and I look at it every night before going to sleep!
    Big big hugs!!

  13. Congratulations Tany. It's well deserved. The Phildar coat is very, very nice. Look forward to seeing your coat finished.

  14. Tany.- Enhorabuena por el premio, merecedora lo eres seguro, me alegro mucho, de veras. Preciosa la chaqueta de tricot y buena pinta el abrigo de manchas. Estoy a la espera de verlo terminado.......!!!!. Ah!!, te hice ya el envio esta mañana. Un abrazo. Paco

  15. Parabens Tany,fico mito feliz com esse premio,muito bem merecido,és perfeitissima!!
    o casaco phildar é mais uma prova da tua perfeiçao na costura,ficou lindo e parece quentinho.
    uma bom dia pra ti,besitossssssss.

  16. Olá, o prêmio foi mais que merecido, pois suas criações são realmente lindíssimas! Parabéns!

  17. Parabéns!!! Os prémios são para quem merece e tu mereces e muito.
    Pelos teus trabalhos, pelas tuas explicações e dicas,pelo teu empenho no blogue e por seres uma mente tão aberta e criativa.

    Beijinhos grandes!!!

  18. Tu não paras mesmo. O tempo realmente é curto para tudo o que pretendemos fazer, mas tu pareces desenrascares-te muito bem! O casaco ficou espetacular, quero é ver os promenores.



  19. Phildar coat looks great and so warm. Congratulations on the Award.

  20. ஜॐ♥ஜ______ஜॐ♥ஜ______ஜॐ♥ஜ______ஜॐ♥ஜ
    “Que todos os Dias quando
        Você acordar... Receba dos
         Céus a Bênção de ter
          sempre por perto as
           Pessoas que te Amam...
    Parabéns pelo seu prêmio e o casaco lindo.
    Receba meu beijinho no coração e que seu final de semana seja repleto de bençãos do céu.

  21. congrats on the award, you deserve it

  22. Obrigada a todas!
    Thank you all!

    Wilma: Muitíssimo obrigada e bem-vinda ao Couture et Tricot!

    Paco ¡Gracias! ¡Aguardo tu carta y estoy segura que su contenido me encantará muchíssimo! ¡Un grande abrazo!


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